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Friday, August 23, 2013

Daniel Ellsberg: US On Verge Of Becoming Police State Under Obama

Daniel Ellsberg, the man who leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971, says the United States is on the verge of becoming a police state as evidenced by the National Security Agency's data collection programs and the treatment of secret document leakers Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning.

"We have not only the capability of a police state, but certain beginnings of it right now," Ellsberg told The Huffington Post Wednesday. "And I absolutely agree with Edward Snowden. It's worth a person's life, prospect of assassination, or life in prison or life in exile — it's worth that to try to restore our liberties and make this a democratic country."



  1. Simply put, the voters that elected Barak Obama and his regime are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
    I call it mass capture bonding.
    Axlerod, Plouffe and Jarret have masterfully assembled a team of Psychologists and engineered this "culture coup d'etat" by categorizing, dividing and pandering to people while demonizing any opposition.
    They are hardcore Communists that are highly motivated to turn America inside out. They punish and squeeze hard working tax paying American citizens only to reward the ignorant masses or bourgeoisie which makes up a majority of their voter base.
    Their economic agenda is Creative Destruction which inevitably leads to full state control.
    Welcome to the last phase of Socialism.
    Next step?
    Hammer and Sickle Communism.
    Obamas roots, he grew up in Communist or Islamo-fascist households, he studied Marx through many mentors and professors. Community organizer. Us against them.
    I hope some fool makes waste of him soon.
    He is as un-American as you can be while still speaking English.

  2. I Never, in my lifetime, thought I would agree with parts of what Ellsberg has to say. this is really amazing...

  3. And one day, this country will wake up, scratch its collective head and say "gee, what happened"? And it will be too late.

  4. Jefferson and Washington, being supremely wealthy and comfortable, did not need to revolt against ANYTHING. They had it made. But --they were unwilling to watch despotism and royal decrees run roughshod. They risked everything to change it. Now, we have a nation of wimps who see and KNOW we are quickly becoming a socialist police state where the government is all-knowing, all-seeing, and all-powerful, brooking no resistance. But, these lemmings and sheep are comfortable in their brick ranchers, watching their portfolio's and rental units. As long as the IRS is auditing someone else, as long as the police are killing someone else, as long as it's a black kid getting "stopped and frisked", its all okay. Inevitably, one day, it will be THEM, the "comfortable", under the gun, literally and figuratively. THEY just can't ever be convinced of THAT. They will then join the millions of OTHER (dead) sheep in the dustbin of history....


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