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Sunday, August 04, 2013

Chris Christie Calls Libertarianism A “Dangerous Thought”

As anyone paying attention has noticed in the past couple of years, Chris Christie simply represents more of the same within the political establishment ruining America, albeit within a more generous physical frame. If we were unfortunate enough to elect him President he would behave exactly like Barack Obama and George W. Bush before him. This isn’t just conjecture, he straight up says it.

What is so interesting and offensive about his comments about libertarians, is not just the base manner in which he demonizes them for engaging in “intellectual debates,” but he is clearly positioning himself against his primary Republican competitor in 2016, Rand Paul.



  1. Chris Christie as president is a dangerous thought!

  2. RINO kissing Obama's butt. I lost all respect for him.

  3. Somebody having the thought that thoughts are dangerous is a dangerous thought.

  4. Christie hates anything he can't put on his dinner plate.

  5. Did he forget to eat his donuts today?

  6. please stick to the topic and don't "run off at the mouth" (lol) regarding Christie.
    for real he is a RINO. that's the main reason we don't want him. nothing else needs to be said...

  7. He likes food more than sex. Now he can't even get into his own pants.

  8. That fat bast'd desperately wants to be a dictator. He is afraid of people (Libertarians) who don't think the government has the right to run every facet of your life, should follow the Constitution and generally stay out of the affairs of citizens as long as they aren't endangering others. Christie thinks he knows how you should live (eat everything in sight), how you should behave, where you should be able to travel and who you can associate with, and has NO respect for individual rights (he FULLY supports the NSA being able to listen to, and record, EVERY communication between innocent American citizens, except his). And he can't wait for the chance to MAKE people jump. Right after he finishes dinner and dessert, of course. Someone has convinced this control-freak he has a shot at being the next wanna-be Nazi in power.

  9. Libertarians are being looked at more and more as an alternative to the two parties currently polluting D.C. The establishment know people are turning sour on both parties. That's why they have Christie bellowing at Rand Paul. Rand Paul is exactly what this country needs and he will be the only candidate where people will feel a sense of relief and trust. God speed Mr. Paul!

  10. Seriously speaking,Christie was and still is attempting to cover all angles and therefore appeal to a broader base.Politically speaking,that is not possible.His inability to isolate a specific platform amazes me.He completely lacks focus.

  11. I just saw Rand Paul call Chris Christie the "King of Bacon".This is getting good.

  12. What a Obama-butt kissing Rhino, I rather see Weiner and his weiner- (that would be the equivalent to Obama's VP) become president.

  13. You idiots. A Repub with centrist views is your ONLY chance to take back the oval office. You are out-numbered. It has been nearly two years and you morons have already forgotten. Rand Paul makes Romney seem like a dope smoking liberal. A Paul nomination would be a free pass to whatever Dem got nominated. That Fat Ba$tard is the best shot you got. You'd better get behind him or you'll be here moaning and crying three years from now. There is not enough lipstick to put on that Pig Paul to sell him to the MAJORITY.

  14. The real idiots are the ones who want to surrender our morals and values as a free nation to give power to another Nazi wanna-be who can't wait to start marching the citizenry to his personal idea of how we should live and behave. Be very afraid of ANYONE who openly states that its a GOOD idea to monitor ALL the communications, travel, locations, habits, and ideas of EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN. Including all the innocent ones (which are 99.999% of us). They are SPITTING on the Constitution. Keep cheering. Further, we are FAR beyond any "republican" or "democrat" coming to our rescue --- they are one and the same. The ONLY thing that will help us now is filling the streets with their blood. At least thats what Thomas Jefferson and James Madison believed. And don't, for a minute, think you know more than them...


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