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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Chief’s Crime Report Renews Political Debate Over Resort Safety; Ashley, Pillas Push Their Concerns Over Negative Changes

OCEAN CITY – It wouldn’t be a normal week at City Hall without the Mayor and Council engaging in a spirited debate over the correlation between crime statistics and population estimations.

On Monday evening, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) Chief Ross Buzzuro was invited to come before the full Mayor and Council to present decreasing percentages in crime statistics compared to prior years.

The number of crime-related incidents on the Boardwalk in the month of July this year has not been released but comparing the month of June there were 212 incidents in 2010, 248 incidents in 2011, 193 incidents in 2012 and 213 incidents in 2013. The count for each year includes incidents of burglaries, theft, drug violations, disorderly conduct, vandalism, aggravated assault, simple assault, sex offense, weapon violations, robbery, and liquor law violations.



  1. Maybe if ALL the OCMD public officials halved there salaries they would DOUBLE there force..PD,FD,EMS...I mean $95,000 for a FF/EMT ...PD $98,000... I am in the wrong line of work.

  2. Ocean City is a Hell Hole plain and simple

  3. Compared to Chicago OC is not "crime ridden."

  4. If Salisbury is ranked at the 39th most dangerous city in America, don't you think the local thugs go to OC? Say or do what you want on a police report ; the perception is that this "resorts" best days are in the past. The perception is already there, you are the new atlantic city.


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