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Wednesday, August 07, 2013

CARSON: Success For The Dumbest Kid

These days, it seems like everything is made into a political football. Perhaps the one thing we can agree upon is the importance of education for everyone.

Currently in the United States, approximately 30 percent of the people who enter high school do not graduate. This was considerably less of a problem during the agricultural age or the industrial age, when all one needed to be successful financially was a strong back and a willingness to work. Now that we have advanced to the technological-information age, education has assumed paramount importance for success in one’s own life and for the future of the country. It would not be accurate for us to assume that everyone who graduates from high school in America is well educated. Gone are the days, for the most part, when vigorous academic standards judged the passage from one grade to the next and social promotions were rarely done.

My mother, unfortunately, only had an opportunity to obtain a third-grade education prior to her marriage at age 13 and her move to Detroit with my father. A divorce ensued when she discovered that he was a bigamist, and she was faced with the task of raising two young sons on her own.



  1. His mother was a strong woman.

  2. Dr. Carson is a national treasure!

  3. I sure wish Dr. Carson was our president instead of who is there.

  4. A waste of money educating women. They get along just fine with out one.

  5. 10:02 - pretty stupid thing to say considering the largest percentage of teachers are women. So, you propose women not be educated and what, teach the future of this country with no education? You must be a 2nd grade graduate yourself.

  6. 10:02 LOL..you sure know how to keep things stirred don't you. I know you don't mean that and I know you wish that all children had a progressive education so that everyone is on a level that produces higher communication leading to world peace. Right :)

  7. Dr. Carson for POTUS - or at least Governor of MD!


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