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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Buchanan Blames De-Christianized Nation For Chris Lane Death

On Fox News Channel’s “On the Record with Greta van Susteren” on Wednesday, conservative columnist Pat Buchanan weighed in on the murder of Australian baseball player Chris Lane who was allegedly shot and killed last week by three “bored” teenagers.

Buchanan said the culture was to blame for the apparent amorality of the alleged murderers.

“It’s not only evil — there’s a sense here of amorality,” Buchanan said. “No sense that anything of real preciousness and value is involved. It’s let’s get our kicks for a couple of minutes by shooting a man to death. And I think it raises a question: Where do these kids come out? Where do they come from to get the idea that this was sort of a fine thing, a good thing to do and a lot of fun? I think if you take a look at the culture — I think we got to take a look at the culture that they grew up in. Look at the — kids when I grew up, you never heard of anything like this. Kid got in fights and there were problems and things like that.”



  1. Why do they publish this stuff of his, it is sad, to take advantage of someone with dementia.

  2. Bring in the Muslims and Sharia, and this will become more commonplace.


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