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Thursday, August 08, 2013


A mob of nine black people attack two off-duty cops visiting Green Bay. Downtown. At night. Happened last month.

Green Bay cops show up. No one is arrested. The off-duty cops – from Minneapolis – do not like that. They accuse Green Bay cops of running a “clown show.”

“I’m not trying to be an a****** here,” said the Minneapolis cop in a dashboard cam video. “But we get jumped by nine f****** black guys and we’re the problem? We’re two small white guys and you got a crowd of black guys up there.”

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  1. It wouldn't matter if it was 200 black citizens and 2 white off duty officers. The blame is ALWAYS going to fall on the caucasians. Somewhere in their lineage, someone in their family oppressed someone in the black citizens family by loading them on a slave ship and bringing them to America. That is the liberal crap we continue to fight. Forget about all the economic incentives we have provided them in the last 60 years. None of that counts because they want to ride this welfare horse into the ground. I am sick and tired of the legacy of entitlement the white race owes the black race. It's a load of crap.

  2. I will carry two guns , one is a cheap piece of crap for a plant. The other is for business. No more Trayvon issues.
    This way , they always pull a gun on me , then I take care of business. Plant the gun and I'm on my way.

  3. Well said 5:47. But don't forget there are decent black people out there that are trying to do the right thing. Since they are in the minority, they get it from both sides. I have met some good Christian black folks that are trying to be decent and don't get involved in incidents like the one described. If we try and promote good folks like Dr. Ben Carson and others we can start to change things for the better. Obama and other liberal low-lifes would love to see a race war that would bring on Marshall law and the end of a free America. Don't fall for their Satanic deception.

  4. I never indicated there weren't decent black citizens. Good and evil transcend race. I simply was trying to point out that in today's society the media and social bias always lands against the caucasian citizen. We need to move to.the middle ground.

  5. 5:47 Imagine if all those economic and social incentives had been given to deserving people regardless of race but based on merit alone!
    Affirmative action must end now!
    No more pandering and Government coddling of the Black community that takes advantage of the system as a way of life! Make them work for a living like the rest.
    I guess that's part of the problem and why other people had to force them to work huh...


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