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Thursday, August 08, 2013

Black Comedian: White People Aren’t Allowed To Decide What’s Racist

Many on the far left continue to claim that America needs to have “a discussion” on race–even though we’ve been talking about it since roughly 1787. But one black comedian, W. Kamau Bell, apparently doesn’t want to have that discussion. He says all whites are racist, that is that, and they shouldn’t be allowed to talk about what’s racist and what isn’t.

The extremist host of FX’s Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell, told the media that white people should not speak of cases like the George Zimmerman trial.
The worst thing to say to a person of color is, ‘I don’t think that’s racist.’ I don’t think that’s your area. You can have an opinion but I don’t think you are the final word. That’s what’s missing, white people. You’ve got a lot of jobs” but should not have the ‘I know what’s racist’ job. I know what’s imperialism – that’s your job.”



  1. It's been my personal experience that almost all Blacks are racist, while most whites are more able to see past color.

  2. 47 years old and I think 11:25 is spot on

  3. Some racists on both sides. Problem is with politically correct idiots, its ok for blacks, not for whites.

  4. And what makes you think I give a rats a$$ what you think. I will judge who and what I like.

  5. As if his rating wouldn't do the job, these comments should get that show off the air.

  6. 3:33 What? Sounds like more hate than intelligence.


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