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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Baltimore Councilman Wants City Boycott Of Florida; "Stand Your Ground" Bill Proposed In Maryland

A few weeks after a Florida jury acquitted neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, Baltimore City Councilman Nick Mosby wants the city government to stop doing business with firms in Florida.

Mosby is hoping an economic boycott will convince Florida lawmakers to repeal the state's "Stand Your Ground" law, which was partially the basis for Zimmerman's defense.

Mosby told Maryland's Morning News says the boycott follows the more than 100 protests that were held nationwide after the verdict.



  1. I think we should stop doing bussiness with baltimore and any county across the bridge..but i wont get my way either.shout stomp and call your md Reps......STAND YOUR GROUND IN MD NOW

  2. If this Bozo had listened to any of the trial and its testimony, he would completely understand that the "SYG" law was absolutely and on purpose not part of GZ's defense.

    What a complete Public Idiot.

    Even if he had talked with an intelligent person before "coming out" like this would save him this embarrassment!

    But, with the low information people we have today, most will follow this Idiot like sheep(le).

    1. Stand Your Ground was included in the jury instructions for the George Zimmerman case. Look it up.

    2. Stand Your Ground was included in the jury instructions for the George Zimmerman case. Look it up.

  3. you can't fix STUPID

  4. He should do something about the crime in Baltimore before worrying about Florida.

  5. I do not need a law that allows me to protect myself.

  6. SYG in Maryland, 8:08 raises an excellent point....I don't like bumper stickers but would sport one of those on my car.....

  7. Maybe Nick Mosby needs to spend more time concentrating on Baltimore crime......No doubt, he's a bleeding heart liberal....

  8. Obama Crooked MotorsAugust 12, 2013 at 9:55 PM

    Dear Nick Mosby, you should know that your Comrade Obama in 2002 while in Senate, supported and voted For Stand Your Ground Law. We the People understand the Socialist Democrats like to twist facts to fit their agenda.
    So with that in mind we propose the bill Stand Your Ground in Maryland. We also understand Nick Mosby's "job" is delegated to City of Baltimore, not State of Maryland nor State of Florida, DUH?

  9. What the heck is wrong with people in this country? Jerks like this, and others, have no backbone whatsoever.

    Someone attacks you and you do not want to defend yourself? Well brother, that's fine for you, but some of us do not want to be hurt or killed.

    This country, and all it has stood for, is going down the toilet faster than grease through a goose.

    We have an apologetic muslim for president, a pervert running for office, a ny mayor who thinks he can do whatever he wants, a vice president who is dumber than an empty ashtray, cops who go around killing people and dogs, cameras on every corner, speed cameras in between the corners, kids killing kids, the list goes on and on.

    Stop passing such stupid and ineffective laws. ENFORCE the ones ALREADY on the books. Use some damn common sense once in awhile.

    And PEOPLE, get off your asses and stand up for yourselves.

    WE HAVE THE POWER. It is way past time we used it. We can fix every problem we have if we just TRY.

    Write letters, emails, make phone calls, protest. Do something.

    If you give up ANY right, you will NOT get it back, and you will lose others rights as well.

    The warning bell has been ringing for quite some time now. It's time to stop ignoring it and BE A CITIZEN.

    Please. I am begging you. And don't attack me because I want a better country. If we don't do it, no one will do it for us.

  10. 'Stand your ground' is for YOUR safety. Why would ANYONE want to give that up??? (unless they are the offender)

  11. 7:33 Because the person robbing you, holding a knife/gun to your family members person, threatening you... votes democrats and votes dumb.

    They don't need you killing off their votes.

  12. A special kind of stupid. The Florida Sheriff's Assoc. led by my Sheriff, Grady Judd just announced that they were in favor and back the SYG law here in Florida. In 17 years down here, I have seen very very few of anyone abusing the CDW law which is good. Something like 650,000 permits in force (I got mine)

  13. Just a clever attempt to set the presidential stage for o'loser to associate flooridians with bumtimore.

  14. Stand Your Ground was included in the jury instructions for the George Zimmerman case. That's standard procedure in self-defense cases in Florida.

  15. Desperation.This whole Trayvon thing is losing steam fast.Hardly anyone even talks about it anymore.Phantom groups all over the country are kicking the proverbial dead dog - to no avail.

  16. Let us examine the Trayvon Martin so called angel

    1. He was 200 miles away from home.
    2. Mother could not handle him so she sent him to Sister's house.
    3. Suspended from school for possession of drugs.
    4. Suspended from school for possession of stolen jewelry from a burglary.
    5. Suspended from school for fighting.
    6. On drugs the night he died.

    All liberal news agencies conveniently left this out of the news.

    Stand your ground did not exist in this trial, but Obama, Holder and the liberals are beating this into the ground. Zimmerman was on his back being beaten to death by Martin. Zimmerman could not retreat even if he wanted to.

    A drug induced Martin elected to confront Zimmerman. Martin elected to become physically violent breaking Zimmerman's nose. Martin elected to pin Zimmerman to the ground and try to beat Zimmerman to death.

    Martin was in fact a thug criminal with a proven track record of violence, drugs and theft.


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