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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Attorney Toensing: GOP 'Chicken' On Seeking Benghazi Answers

Republican lawmakers are "chicken" about getting to the bottom of the Benghazi attack and need to toughen up to get answers, Washington, D.C. attorney Victoria Toensing says.

"Let's get the House Republican leadership to start pressuring," Toensing told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"They need to put this out there that they're going to fight and they're going to be serious about it ... The White House knows that they're being chicken about it and they're just playing on it.

Story continues below.



  1. They all need to be FIRED, and the Sates elect a NEW GROUP...EVERY BODY FIRED!!!

  2. McCain can give them a stern lecture...The truth is the lot of them are traitors and need to be run out on a rail including McCain. Problem is most of the Republican leadership belong to the same one world order club the Obama administration belongs to. They aren't going to do anything for real, just a show for the sheeple.

  3. Are you listening Andy Harris? Are you listening?


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