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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Barack Obama Is No Martin Luther King Jr


  1. Something is coming DOWN in this country within 2 months.

  2. M.L.K I dream my people would get a job.

  3. That dude speaks the truth!

  4. This guy is really good at getting the message out...

  5. 7:39 You leave me laughing. Truth is there are lots of blacks starting to speak out. Won't be long.

  6. Nothing new here. He speaks his mind, which is his right, which is overly simplistic. He can point out areas when to concentrate on fixing things, but let those intelligent enough to do the actual fixing. Assuming we have any willing to do so.

  7. Nothing new here. He speaks his mind, which is his right, which is overly simplistic. He can point out areas when to concentrate on fixing things, but let those intelligent enough to do the actual fixing. Assuming we have any willing to do so.

  8. Obama Crooked MotorsAugust 30, 2013 at 6:54 AM

    MLK and Barrack Obama have nothing in common, no comparison This black man talks with passion and common sense and he is 100% correct. Finally someone who can think for himself without being manipulated by B.S. artists like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and yes, you guessed it Barry Obama.


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