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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Another Media Ship Is Going Down

Another media ship is going down. Break out the champagne.

The big-3 Sunday morning news shows are basically politicians talking through the screen to their colleagues in Georgetown. Gibberish from idiots to other idiots.

In so far as the shows reach the general viewing public…

The unspoken premise of This Week, Meet the Press, and Face the Nation goes like this: Given the fact that America is making constant war to expand the imperial corporate empire, the military industrial complex is suffering a hernia from carrying so much money, multiple agencies are spying on everybody all the time, the medical system in America is killing 2.25 million people per decade, millions of acres of untested GMO food plus Roundup are a runaway health disaster, the Fed Reserve is a private banking monopoly posing as a government agency, the Mexican border is a sieve for the Sinaloa Cartel to kick off their Washington-approved drug routes to a distribution hub called Chicago, only “the cops and thugs should have guns,” the government-sponsored mental-health monopoly called psychiatry is destroying the brains of countless numbers of children, vaccines are filled with toxic ingredients, the federal government is pouring wet cement on the Constitution every hour of every day, more people are using food stamps than are working, our children are learning how to become little robots in school, the free and independent individual is an anathema, television is brainwashing 300 million people, and all presidents are vetted to ensure they’ll support a Globalist planet…NONE OF WHICH WE’LL TOUCH ON IN THE NEXT HOUR…



1 comment:

  1. The news will never fail for it is run by your goverment.


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