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Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Messsage From The Facebook Page of Governor Jan Brewer

Last night just before going on his summer vacation, Obama DENIED federal assistance for the Yarnell fire that destroyed more than 120 homes and claimed the lives of 19 firefighters.

LIKE if you are outraged by Obama's misguided denial to help Arizona citizens after this tragedy.

Here's my full statement regarding the President's denial:

I am deeply troubled by the Obama Administration’s decision to deny much-needed recovery assistance in the wake of Arizona’s deadliest wildfire. This designation would have provided critical aid to citizens most impacted by the fire.

The State of Arizona continues to mourn this tragedy, which took the lives of nineteen of our bravest first responders. While no amount of federal assistance could ever ease the pain of such an extraordinary loss, it would have provided significant financial relief to Yarnell and Peeples Valley. Local residents are under enough emotional stress as they work to pick up the pieces and put their communities back together. Wondering how or if they will recover their losses should be the last of their worries.

In the days after the fire, I appreciated the call I received from President Obama, during which he pledged to support our state during its time of great need. I was even more encouraged when Vice President Biden reiterated that commitment at the memorial service for the fallen Granite Mountain Hotshots. With today’s denial of the state’s request, Arizonans are left questioning what help they were willing to give.

I was hopeful the federal government would recognize the exceptionally devastating circumstances surrounding this tragedy, and support Arizona’s request.

I will review our options regarding an appeal of this misguided decision. I will continue to do everything in my power to assist in that effort.

Rest assured, that is a pledge that will not be broken.


  1. So which is it, Jan Brewer? Get the federal government out of here/states' rights above all else/Obama is a socialist? Or is it "WHERE'S MY FEDERAL MONEY"? I love the constant garbage talk and then the crying when they don't get to suck off the government they hate so much. You're a welfare state, Arizona. Carry your own weight.

  2. Typical....had the firefighters been illegal immigrants or muslim, there would be a continuous stream of money

  3. Our lame president is a P.O.S

  4. I guess he found out that it was mostly white folks.

  5. FEMA has strict rules about receiving declarations and federal money. Too many properties were insured to meet the threshold to receive a declaration and qualify for those funds. While this situation is tragic, the rules are the rules.

  6. Obama and his supporters are nothing but worthless pieces of excrement!

  7. Obama is nothing but a liar and fraud who wants to do nothing but redistribute the wealth to his people and we know who they are.

  8. Figure it out, 10:21. As long as the fed govt is handing out money like candy, why shouldn't Brewer request a few bucks for an authentic need? Like your president, I guess you would prefer to see tax money spent on presidential vacations, gun-running to Mexican cartels and Al-Qaeda, and goodies for illegal aliens. Besides which, she is only asking for the support she was promised by the liar in the White House.

  9. Oscama forgets he is Half White....


  10. "Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve." -Valerie Jarrett

  11. here in lies the problem, when you expect federal money. the federal government should not be dolling out money to the states. we are broke do it on your own brewer

  12. Obama = satan = no help

  13. 1:22. The federal govt was granted certain powers to insure the national security of our nation and to help states when disasters such as this struck.

    Unfortunately, the feds have spent our money giving to the have nots who dont want to work.

    This is a travestry.

  14. How long before people realize in this country that the money is running out. Almost time for the "Real Crash"

  15. Y'all forgot the finger pointing

  16. I seem to remember Arizona screaming against the disaster recovery bill from Hurricane Sandy. It's a different story when the disaster is in your own back yard.

  17. The great political giving to the Sandy victims was just that. It benefited the administration politically. Arizona has spoken up against the administration on immigration and is paying the price. Sad but true. All outcomes today are political. Had there been a number of Hispanics or Blacks involved the help would have been there. Not racist just fact.

  18. What politics was involved when the republicans in congress repeatedly blocked votes on the Sandy spending bill and Crisfield was denied time after time FEMA assistance until Senator Mikulski finally got FEMA to reconsider?

  19. We'd rather give aid to syria and egypt, than to our own. When, we shoudl be sending AIDS over there, instead.


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