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Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Letter To The Editor: Illegal Revenue Distribution From Speed Cameras-- Wicomico Co.


Apparently you DON`T know there is illegal activity on the parts of the Co. administrators’ office and the Sheriff. Md. & Wicomico statutes are 180 degrees to the manner in which revenue from Civil Citations collected is distributed. The voters should know this as it is another financial burden for them to bear.

The Law says ANY revenue collected from any dept. or HEAD of same shall be deposited in the GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNT of said county or GO TO THE STATE GENERAL FUND for re-distribution. The BUDGET MONEY struck in and for ANY DEPT. including the SHERIFFS’ DEPT. is the ONLY money any DEPT. HEAD can LEGALLY spend. Pollitt KNOWS this and yet he continues to allow Lewis to flood the Co. with speed cameras to bolster his budget with the Co. Councils’ blessing.

If you want to really investigate miscarriages of justice, use your time and resources for more fruitful purposes and put their business in the street so ALL knows.

Anonymous Points of Law


  1. " use your time and resources for more fruitful purposes and put their business in the street so ALL knows."

    Who, Joe or the readers? The readers only use their time, (as they wouln't know how to find a resource)to snicker and trash. Joe depends on the readers to write today's talk on the street or made up chatter. So you need to dig deeper to find someone willing to be a whistle blower.

  2. Let's start at the top , Obama. We will refer to Obama as satan , for lack of a better name.
    Satan has lied and cheated this country till it is broke. He has given all the states and counties permission to follow his lead. He is the leader and sets the example.
    So if satan (Obama) can do it then what's wrong with this county , Mr. Lewis and his officials doing the same.
    I say go for it , get everything you can legal or illegal.
    We must give satan(Obama) credit for his leadership skills.

  3. I don't agree with you often, but stick it to them on this one Joe.

  4. You've got to be kidding me. What are you saying? Explain, please. I don't understand.

  5. I informed the UAW UPS workers union to have their union representative go before the County Council and give them a reason to ban these devices in and around Salisbury.

    Yet the membership did not bother to get involved. Well guess what - one of the UPS drivers called me a few days ago and said that his wife got FOUR citations at the WI JR HI school camera on Old Ocean City road near DeVages.

    I informed him that the County Council would have gladly rebuked the entire concept had the public showed up - but yet no one showed up. Now it seems as though all of the UPS drivers are now complaining.

  6. This "Anonymous Points of Law" doesn't seem to know the law (or how to write a proper sentence). The speed camera law passed by the state very clearly states that the money collected over and above the amount needed to run the program can only be used for public safety projects. That's it. It doesn't say it has to be used for public safety projects near schools. It doesn't allow it to be used for the BOE. It doesn't allow it to be deposited in the county's general fund. It's a revenue stream for the sheriff's office. The law is clear on this, and anyone who voted for allowing revenue cameras should have known this.

    I hate speed cameras as much as anyone commenting here. But as someone who opposed them, I knew about this revenue diversion when the law was proposed.

  7. I firmly believe that the majority of Wicomico County residents are disgusted with our political system. Just look at what has transpired within the past 2 years

    1. Run-a-way real estate taxes
    2. Flush tax doubled
    3. Speed cameras all around us
    4. Local income tax rate raised to state's maximum level 3.1%.
    5. Virtually all fees - (i.e. dump fees, well permits, licensing fees, have all increased dramatically.
    6. Schoolteachers pension liability now passed onto county residents.
    7. Raintax - (Wicomico will be brought-in next - just wait and see)

    I could go on and on - but I believe this is enough to create a public backlash.

  8. 6:12pm If the wife of the UPS employee wasn't speeding, then she would not have gotten a ticket. What you are saying by complaining about the speed cameras is it is okay to speed in front of a school. Really?

    6:39pm Out of your 7 points, just how many of them did the local leaders have control over?

  9. Any DA that gets 4 tickets from plainly identified and signed cameras is a fool. Don't you have to be 12 over to get popped? That's 40% over the limit in these zones, so grow up.

  10. Drove past Parkside this morning just after 7AM.

    The "school zone" lights were flashing!!

    No school was in session today!

    I suppose if that roving camera was out there, they would be issuing tickets for speeding when the hazards did not exist?

  11. Please Joe. Stop people from whining about this. I for one am sick and tired of this same old song about the speed cameras.

  12. Daddio, didn't you see the white camera box. You likely have been had.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Please Joe. Stop people from whining about this. I for one am sick and tired of this same old song about the speed cameras.

    August 12, 2013 at 9:43 PM

    Click the red 'x' on top right corner.

    If you are so complacent about the government sticking you every which way, that's on you.

    Some people want to stick up for their rights. And it benefits you also, although you can't be bothered to protect your freedoms.

    Frankly, I am sick of people like you who let the government do whatever and whenever they want.

    What does that shoe polish taste like?

  14. 10:10 I am well aware of the permanently mounted white camera box in front of Bennett.

    The flashing lights were operating in front of Parkside.

    The school-zone warning lights were NOT flashing in front of Bennett.

    Is there another white camera box near Parkside that I am not aware of??

    In any case, I was not speeding, so I have not been "had" -- it's the entire county who has been "had" when they operate these things when school is not in session, and the presence of kids is noticeably absent....

  15. I agree with those opposed to the cameras operating when schools are not in session. There is no reason for one to be operating in summer unless there is summer school (which only happens in 2 or 3 schools), after 5:00 on school days, and on weekends. I truly believe there are days in which the calibration is not working properly and many have been ticketed wrongfully. Too bad the cameras never catch the speeding cops!!!

  16. Yes, there is one by Parkside also.

  17. I can only say if we get more cameras we don't need as many officers.

  18. I got a ticket while no school was in session. My ticket says I was doing 37 in a 25 mile zone - (location - near Wi Jr Hi). I paid the fine, but I am still mad because the school looks like a ghost town while no school is in session.

    I agree with Daddio - the county residents have been had again by the system.

  19. The white stationary boxes near city schools belong to Salisbury City Police Department not the Sheriff's Office so complain to them. The cameras are on during the day in the summer for summer school and students who live near by who use the schools basketball courts and playgrounds AT THE REQUEST OF BOARD OF ED. I don't get why everyone is complaining so much. Don't speed, you won't have to pay.

  20. Why do the cameras operate at times when students are not going to or from school?

    Easy answer: During to & from school hours traffic volume keeps general speeds slow and most drivers comply with posted speed limit reduction.

    But in order to pay the speed camera vendor and the police payroll overhead cameras have to run far more hours in order to 'catch' folks going too fast in the non-school hours.

    I'd bet a dollar the majority of the revenue is generated outside of 90 minute windows before and after school, when students might be around.

    We need council people in the county and the city who will act on behalf of the citizens and curtail the operational hours of these devices.

  21. if you didn't speed you wouldn't get a ticket, get over it already!

  22. The "its for the safety of the children, for God's sake!!" reasoning just doesn't sound very convincing when there isn't 5 kids even CLOSE to the school. Now if they said something like "we've foolishly spent every dime we can take from you PLUS another 30 years worth of revenue we haven't even collected yet, and we STILL don't have enough, so we are going to start putting the hammer down on anyone who still has any money at all", well, their credibility factor would shoot up like a Saturn 5 rocket". But THAT would require a politician to tell us the truth, soooooo.......pay up. And shut up. YOU voted for this. AND the Nazi "checkpoints". And the confiscation of property without charges or trial. And a host of other things. And just like the SS troops said to their fellow German citizens, "Vhat? You want to complain NOW?!!"

  23. We live in America.

    You have the freedom to speed and get ticketed. Just like you have the freedom to not speed and not get ticketed. You also have the freedom to buy a helicopter and fly over all the speed cameras.

    Your choice folks!

  24. sheriff Lewis us not a department head. he is an elected official and not subject to the Executives authority. maybe the author should read the county charter and COMAR

  25. drink some more conspiracy theory kool aid 6:39

  26. There are absolutely zero checks and balances with a speed camera. What absolute guarantee does one have that your vehicle is the speeding vehicle.

    When a human / police officer is trained in radar that officer must ensure that before and after each and every stop for speeding that the radar is operating properly and checked for proper calibration. Do you really have this here? NO

    Was the driver identified ? NO

    The officer is required to testify that the vehicle in question was out front by itself and pulling away from all existing traffic. The officer then stops and identifies the driver of said vehicle.

    These cameras are the City and States way of simply generating revenue not saving lives or identifying the offending driver or curbing bad behavior.


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