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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Why Doesn’t The Government Use Its Mass Surveillance To Bust The Big Criminals

The big banks have committed massive crimes and manipulated virtually every market.

The failure to prosecute fraud is preventing a sustainable economic recovery.

As such, prosecuting Wall Street fraud is arguably an issue of national security.

The government is collecting everything … and spying on just about everything we do.

We are passionately opposed to mass surveillance. But – if the government is doing so – why can’t it gather info on the crimes of the big banks … so we can prosecute them?

You might assume that spying is only used to stop terrorism.

But the government has – in fact – often invoked national security powers in regards to the financial system. For example, Business Week reported on May 23, 2006:



  1. I'd like the NSA to release the phone call between Travon and Jantal.
    THAT would be enlightening I'm sure.

  2. The citizens are always kept at least 10 years behind on everything.Snowden foiled the NSA project,but that's just one of many secretive issues.As for the NSA,Snowden still has a long list of issues he wants to reveal but he's in a catch 22 situation.Russia has granted him asylum only if he will stop divuldging secrets to the American people,but he is determined to continue.Putin does not like his controlling ways and may soon turn him over to the US.Snowden has caused us to seriously overrate our governments technological capabilities and he knows it.They simply cannot do what he claims they can,and they cannot enforce even a tiny fraction of the criminal activities they discover.

  3. Talking like that may get you a late night visit from DOJ boys and Eric himself.

  4. Snowden is not an idiot. Putin is as in on it as Obama is. Snowden needs a country that can profit from his info.


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