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Thursday, July 25, 2013

What Al Sharpton Won’t Tell You

“The First Black President … Spoke First as a Black American,” ran the banner headline of Sunday’s Washington Post.

But why, when the fires of anger over the Zimmerman verdict were dying down, did he go into that pressroom and stir them up?

“A week of protests outside the White House, pressure building on him inside the White House, pushed him to that podium,” said Tavis Smiley on “Meet the Press.” Black leaders demanded Obama come out of hiding and stand in solidarity with the aggrieved and outraged.

Belatedly and meekly, Obama complied.



  1. Just goes to show that racism will not ever cease to exist - because people like Sharpton, Jackson, and Martin's parents continue to rabble-rouse others like them to that cause.

    If you want to be treated equal - start acting equal...that begins with civility towards others - do what is right for all...not just you...just because there is a non-white president - doesn't give you the right to act like your actions will be forgiven - it only emphasizes the fact you're doing wrong. Get off the dole - there are plenty of examples of others pulling themselves up from the ghetto and being properly successful - so don't say you're being held back...that's BS.

  2. The feelings from that trial will never die down.

  3. The media quickly gave up on the story of the three month old baby that was randomly shot in the face by a black guy, everyday news I guess?

  4. Obama = no Kahunas of his own


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