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Thursday, July 04, 2013

Violence Rages in Baltimore Despite O'Malley's New Gun Control Laws

Back in May, Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley (who has presidential aspirations) signed into law some of the country's strictest gun control laws after they were shoved through the legislature in the name of Sandy Hook. Thousands who opposed to the bill were ignored. O'Malley was vocal in his support for the laws and made it a point to stress that the new laws would reduce crime and keep Maryland safe.

Fast forward to June and we've seen the violence in Maryland continue. It is important to note that before O'Malley signed new gun control laws in May, Maryland already had some of the strictest gun laws in the country and also some of the worst violence in its big cities. Baltimore was bad and now, it's getting worse. 



  1. So apparently it's the class of people not the guns. Gee! who would have thought?

  2. omalley was just trying to show off. he jumped on the Sandy Hook tragedy like a fly on crap just so he could get on TV. He could care less about gun violence other wise he would address the root of the problem which as 12:20 said is a class of people.

  3. When you remove the freedom of people to protect themselves you get Democrats. Even if you are dead, the laws were for your protection. What a bunch of crap we have with ignorant voters who vote Democrat.

  4. What I'm wondering is how many of these shooters are NRA members?


  5. 15 shootings in Baltimore over the weekend, 25 shootings in Chicago over another weekend.

    Surely there will be mass rallies in Baltimore and Chicago, surely national black leaders from the national level will lead rallies in Baltimore and Chicago, to demand justice and condemn the mass murder of black citizens.

    Or maybe not, that type of response is limited to homicides in Sanford, Florida.

    In the Zimmerman case, the black community said justice was not served, because there was such a long delay in charging Zimmerman.

    In the murder cases in Baltimore and Chicago, suspected participants are often NEVER charged.

    Where's the outrage, when literally hundreds of homicides are never solved. Only about 50 percent of the homicide cases in large cities are ever solved.

  6. A lot of Baltimore's problem is that they do not have any decent jobs left. O'Malley has run most of the big employers out of town. Take a look at Sparrow Point - it looks like it has been bombed into oblivion. With no industry - crime escalates. O'Malley has no one to blame but himself.

  7. Good point 6:10. When there are no jobs and people can't move for one reason or another you end up with chaos.

  8. Baltimore's problems started way before O'Malley. Baltimore's problems are the result of being under the democratic control for many many years. Same can be said with all cities suffering from the crime, poverty and blight that Baltimore has.
    Democrats have no sense or responsibility and can not think forwardly nor are they goal oriented and driven and that's why everything they touch turns into crap.


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