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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Trayvon Martin Shooting Self Defense Ultimately Avoidable

About mid way through this video this pastor asks Obama if Trayvon is your son, would your son smoke dope, get kicked out of school for smoking dope, etc, etc, etc. He really hammers on Obama, Sharpton and the whole bunch of them.


  1. I believe this gentleman is correct. I do believe that he should add Eric Holder and the DOJ to the crowd though. When Florida did not prosecute or arrest George Zimmerman in the first weeks after this happened, Sharpton & Jackson ran down there and stirred sh*t up until there was already a "federal investigation opened up." That is how the case ended up with the "special prosecutor" who saw all this evidence and then later withheld some of that same evidence from the defense team.

    So now the trial is over. She couldn't get a conviction on 2nd degree murder. She couldn't get a conviction on manslaughter. The jury declared Mr. Zimmerman NOT GUILTY. So now, Mr. Holder and his department are going to go back in and "open this case up", or back up to see if they can find cause for "hate crimes."

    I mean after all, maybe 20 years ago George Zimmerman used the "N" word like Paula Dean did. They keep bringing up that George Z. said, "These punks always get away." What, are they going to prove that he hated punks. He was referring to the people who were engaging in burglary in the complex there, but hey, with the whole federal government on the case I am sure they can prove that he just hated punks.

    And then there is good ole Al. Mr. Stir-the-Pot Sharpton. I think he would be a good candidate to charge with hate crimes. Against white people. And on another note, how is that George Z. is half white and half Latino, yet he is referred to as WHITE and Barrack O. is half white and half black, yet he is referred to as BLACK. Sorry, just a side question. Back to Al, and I'm sure Jesse isn't far behind him. Both of them can't wait to run right down there and stir up some more sh*t. I think they should be held accountable also for their actions. Maybe they ought to go on out to Chicago and worry about all the poor black "children" being killed there. Oh, that's right, that is black on black, no story there. No pot to stir.

  2. Take a good look at him.He won't be around long.

  3. This pastor will definitely be a wanted man by his own race. At the minimum he will be ridiculed and marginalized same just as Col West, Herman Cain and Dr Carson. God forbid a black man have an opinion contrary to the status quo. It's not allowed within the black community. If their democratic machine tells them something then they must abide and agree or face slander or worse.


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