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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

This Just In

The Maryland State Police are hovering over Ocean City in the area of 103rd Street and Bayside. It's been reported there's been a bad accident around 118th Street. 


  1. High speed chase ... hit at least one other vehicle...driver ran and jumped in canal.

  2. Just heard that it is a manhunt.

  3. Attempted murder. Suspect on the loose

  4. Yes, a high speed chase occurred from Bethany to OC. The Jeep crashed into two SUV's and the suspect took a machete from his car and jumped in the lagoon. He is reportedly in custody.

  5. saw the whole thing go down...they were actually shooting at the guy while he was swimming (missed as far as I could tell) They finally sent the dog in the water (shallow), got him, then pounded on him.

  6. They were watching the sun bathers on the beach.

  7. They did not shoot at him or pound on him.


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