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Monday, July 08, 2013

The Rapid Collapse Of ObamaCare

Washington is riven by conflict and deep-seated division. It is rare indeed when both sides can agree on anything consequential. Therefore it is incredibly heartening that there is now bipartisan agreement that the implementation of Obamacare is a mess.

Republicans have long maintained this, but now the Obama administration has lent its implicit assent with its astonishing decision to delay by a year the law’s employer mandate. This is what the administration calls, via a blog post by the Treasury Department’s assistant secretary for tax policy that announced the decision, “Continuing to Implement the ACA in a Careful, Thoughtful Manner.”



  1. now they are kicking this can down the road. just kill it. get rid of it. how about this pay as you go. i am 51 years old and i can remember when you went to the doctor he gave you a bill and you paid it and it was a lot cheaper because they didn't have to worry about all of the lawsuits and government requirements, and please don't say it is because of cancer treatments. try just catastophic coverage. just get the government out of it

  2. Obamacare was designed to fail in order for the government to force single payer on us.

  3. Abolish Commie-care. It hasn't worked for Cuba, China, Russia, the Eastern European countries or the socialist West European countries. Of course our communist president doesn't care, it's about control not public health.

  4. it is called avoiding this being an issue in the 2014 elections. If you don't implement it it must not be there huh?


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