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Friday, July 26, 2013

The Murder Of JFK

The two most important words in the lives of the American people for the past 60 years have been “national security.” The term has transformed American society for the worse. It has warped the morals and values of the American people. It has stultified conscience. It has altered the constitutional order. It has produced a democratically elected government that wields totalitarian powers.

We now live in a country whose government wields the legal authority to round up people, including citizens, and take them to concentration camps, detention centers, or military dungeons where the government can torture them, incarcerate them indefinitely, and even execute them as suspected terrorists.

We now live in a country whose government wields the legal authority to send its military and intelligence forces into any country anywhere in the world, kidnap people residing there, and transport them to a prison for the purpose of torture, indefinite detention, and even execution. We now live in a country whose government wields the legal authority to sneak and peek into people’s homes or businesses without warrants; to monitor their emails, telephone calls, and financial transactions; and to spy on the citizenry.

We now live in a country whose government wields the legal authority to support, with money and armaments, totalitarian regimes all over the world and to enter into partnerships with them for the purpose of torturing people whom the U.S. government has kidnapped.



  1. Beware ..soon we will need the mark of the beast to breath..

  2. you can thank the democratic party for all ofthose things shame on them.
    wake up usa. thanks sjd

  3. Waking up requires the understanding that republican and democrat are wings of the same bird. Divide and conquer. We have been hijacked by the globalist pushing their demonic agenda.

  4. Thank you, 858, I am ashamed to be an American with this blood on my hands. Although I am powerless to stop the carnage except for the Congressional emails, I don't know how to stop it otherwise.

  5. 9:22 Things are MUCH worse now than 1776. What did they do then? Carnage.


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