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Tuesday, July 02, 2013

'The Extremists Are Coming; The Extremists Are Coming!'

"Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice! And . . .
moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"

~ Barry Goldwater, in speech written by Karl Hess

A recent discussion on the Fox Business channel, amongst John Stossel, Stuart Varney, and Judge Andrew Napolitano, has raised, once again, the empty charge directed at libertarians: "you are being an extremist!" Such words are always offered in lieu of a substantive analysis of the position advocated. That both Albert Einstein and Jeffery Dahmer could be labeled as "extremists," by virtue of how far their thinking deviated from some norm, provides us no basis upon which to evaluate their thinking or conduct. Intelligent minds would ask: by what criteria do you judge these men; what are the implications of what each is doing or saying? That so many scientists who contributed to the development of our understanding of the world had to endure such criticism, should cause us to insist upon a standard of evaluation that rises above the simplistic thinking presently in place.

These three men were debating the wide-ranging NSA surveillance practices recently revealed by Edward Snowden – whose actions have led statists to label him an "extremist," among other charges. When Judge Napolitano insisted that the government should be required to adhere to Fourth Amendment standards and procedures, Varney – the moderator of the program – began accusing the good judge of "extremism."


1 comment:

  1. Stuart Varney, sometimes level headed, exposed himself as an apologist for facism. Asking the government ("we, the people" should be DEMANDING, not debating or weakly asking) to adhere to the document that was created for the express purpose of LIMITING their power and reach is now "extremism"?? WHAT?! Our situation has gone form bad to worse and from sad to cursed. Clapper (head of NSA), under oath, tells Congress that the NSA is NOT collecting the phone records of millions of innocent citizens. Under oath! Now, having been caught in perjury (you or I can go to jail for that), he gets to APOLOGIZE for lying? WHAT!? He should be criminally charged and forced to resign. When the elected representatives of the poeple are dismissed as nusiances, its time to water the tree of liberty.


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