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Sunday, July 07, 2013

Thanks For The Gas Tax Increase!

This sign is at the Shell gas station on Rt. 40 in Frederick, Md. It needs to be posted around the entire state of Maryland, with the names of the local state representatives that voted for the gas tax increase.
One of these liberal representatives wants to be the next mayor of Frederick so he can continue to raise our taxes.


  1. ANYONE want to bet that these same named people will be voted back in office ??? Marylanders never learn and will continue to make poor choices come election time and then want to go on blogs and cry the blues after the vote. WAKE up VOTE them all out before it is too late

  2. Joe. Can you tell us how Conway, Cane, and Mathias voted on the gas tax? I think people on the Shore should know.

    1. The vote was pre counted (as all votes are) and delegates who are in conservative districts were allowed to vote "in the manner that best preserves their re electability" so they voted no. Be assured that if passage was in danger they would've voted yes. -all except Mathias who is truly against the tax imho

    2. Obama Crooked MotorsJuly 2, 2013 at 10:06 AM

      Seriously? Pre-Counted Votes, how is that even allowed? We talking about some Crooked S@#%. Don't underestimate these social democ-rats, they know how to play the game. And We the People need to put the stop to it.

  3. July 1, 2013 at 8:58 PM

    You are right, but it is all over America. We are a nation of low informed idiots.

  4. Have you driven around lately? Where will the money come to fix them, mack? Or maybe we should just let the pavement fall to pieces and then pay for tires instead of taxes?

    Nobody likes paying taxes. But you do what you have to...

  5. No one is forcing you to drive. People think that roads and public parks and other infrastructure just pays for itself. Can't afford to drive? Get a bike. Driving is a privilege, not a right.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Have you driven around lately? Where will the money come to fix them, mack? Or maybe we should just let the pavement fall to pieces and then pay for tires instead of taxes?

    Nobody likes paying taxes. But you do what you have to...

    July 1, 2013 at 10:27 PM

    Look you liberal moron. It is not just about paying taxes and fixing roads. It's about cutting wasteful spending like the $100,000 vacation to Africa like you hero is on. You morons need to just move to Rehomo Beach Delaware, rectal breed and die off.

  7. 11:25. You are joking right? Where did you get the idea our tax money was paying for this?

  8. ahhhh...last day in maryland!!!!As a comehere my home state isnt as bad as this!!!!good luck to you born heres as there isnt much left...Onto the sunshine state....no more cold winters,state income tax and the list goes on and on...even the elctricity is cheap.Oh and the people are alot nicer.......

  9. People quickly forget such things and continue to vote party lines rather than what is actually good for the city, county, state and federal government. This is because people are STUPID!

  10. The folks that vote to reelect these taxocrats probably can least afford to pay the tax - but are also in a position to pay the least as they probably don't drive anyway. They are really voting to continue their existence on the entitlements.

  11. the money can come from all the crap the politicans think is important, but is not. just look around a little a lot of money is being wasted on stupid crap.

  12. mack,2 to 1 liberals got us beat in this state!


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