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Monday, July 08, 2013

Teenage Boy Thrown Off Ledge By Islamic Mob

Islamic lynch mob waving Al Qaeda banners throw terrified teenage boy off 20ft ledge before beating him to death

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT. The horrific video show the four teens, reportedly out celebrating the ousting of Morsi in Alexandria, completely surrounded by the mob after fleeing onto a rooftop.



  1. Welcome to ISLAM..........

  2. Its no wonder the US has so much trouble dealing with these people. Most commenters here can't seem to understand that radical islamists' beliefs lie at the extremities of the muslim religion, while often it has been mainstream muslims who are the victims of extremist violence.

  3. 12:14 the middle east is exactly how it is shown on the news ....sick and depraved. It is not just extremists.

  4. another fear tactic fed to you about the mean ol islamists.

    think about it, how many democrats would you like to throw off a ledge? how many murderers, rapists, child molestors would you like to toss?

    you have to ask yourself first, what did the man do to deserve it?

    secondly, is this story 100% truthful?

    third, WHY would they report this news and not some other news piece?


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