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Monday, July 08, 2013

Syphilis Cases Rising In Detroit, Driven By Young Men In Their 20s

Facing an alarming surge in syphilis cases, Detroit and state health authorities are launching a campaign alerting the public about the sexually transmitted disease that they say is making a comeback among a much younger crowd than in previous years.

“One of the things we’re learning is that with adolescents and young adults — they’ve not seen it, not experienced it, and they’re not seeing the early signs and symptoms,” said Karen Krzanowski, manager of the sexually transmitted disease section of the Michigan Department of Community Health.

“Many times, these things are cyclical,” said Loretta Davis, president and CEO of the Detroit Institute for Population Health,. “There’s ... prevention fatigue.”



  1. So baby's Momma gets a another gift from the useless sperm donor. Where are the black leaders that will teach the young men some basic morals and responsibility? I'll tell you. They are more interested in keeping them on the Democratic plantation. Some one with guts in that culture (not tied to Obama)needs to rise up and show the young men a better way.

  2. The real gift is to the pharmaceutical companies who produce the meds to cure these diseases. The dems don't care and even like that they bed hop from person to person because it makes their pharm executives friends happy.
    It' the republicans who preach abstinence much to the chagrin of above mentioned executives.

  3. 3:24 Where did it say black men? You actually saw that without it being there, Says it all.

  4. Drew
    Read the text in the picture. You were so quick to try to judge someone you made yourself look stupid.


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