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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Somerset County School's New CFO


I am a concerned resident of Somerset County Maryland. The Somerset County School system just hired Wendy Harrison as their new CFO. This is a picture of Mrs. Harrison that was posted on Face Book just last week . I hope she represents the school system better than she represents herself. Wendy has lived on the shore her whole life she is the daughter of Julia Foxwell. Please feel free to investigate.

Thank you for your dedication to reporting the real news.


  1. I have know Wendy since high school. She is an outstanding person with a great reputation. So glad I moved out of the delmarva area. Bunch of stupid redneck backstabbers. Ohh she is at a bar, I thought adults were allowed to do that? No wonder anyone worth their weight is leaving this area or afraid to do anything in the public spotlight. Having lived there all my life and now lived somewhere else for 3 years I can really see how bad delmarva is. No one has any privacy. Glad there are a few people like Joe that will stand up to the idiots in the area. I don't agree with him posting this but it does show the stupidity of many locals.

  2. Ah social media.

  3. classy bar, letting someone park their fanny right on an eating surface?

  4. If people wanted pravacy, they wouldn't pist things on FB. But, I agree, she is an adult. Newsflash for you...educators are people too! Drinking and driving I do not condone, but having a good time? I'm all about it! Life is too short not to!

  5. More smears from sour grapes himself.

  6. Wow, sitting on the counter/bar!!!! That's not classy!!!

  7. Things are looking up in Somerset County. Almost makes me wish I still lived there.

  8. I know Wendy personally, and her work will stand for itself. She is intelligent, a hard worker, and will serve her employer exceedingly well.

    I would suggest that this concerned citizen should spend less time trolling around someone's facebook page, and more time looking for ways you can serve your community better.

  9. Sorry, but a person who considers themselves and is a professional does not ever post pictures of themselves when they've obviously had a few too many, sitting on a bar.
    There is no gray area. You don't do it. Gives the impression of a barfly.
    This is not a positive example to the students. Again no gray area.
    I totally disagree with the comments claiming she is intelligent.
    Sorry but an intelligent person wouldn't get themselves in this situation. No gray area. This speaks to a lack of good judgment which speaks to someone being of low intelligence.

  10. Hey 11:53-She brought this on herself. If she were so intelligent as you claim she would have known that there always exists the possibility that people will troll and would never have posted the picture.
    If she hasn't the intelligence to figure something so basic out then she's not intelligent at all and at the very least lacks good judgment which isn't a positive quality.

  11. 11:39... never been to Coyote Ugly I take it?? VERY successful bar, they allow peoples boots, butts, or any other body parts on the bar. Seriously?? Since when does having a little fun make you a bad person? Doesn't look to me like she's on her employers time. Get over it and perhaps prop your fanny on a bar... you might find a little joy in your life.

  12. Can't be serious...speaks to the judgment of 'Financial Officers'!

  13. Please feel free to investigate? Thank you for your dedication to reporting the real news?

    Is a person sitting on a bar in public (a) something worthy of investigation OR (b) real news?

    Sadly, I've got $20 that says this ridiculous post will garner more attention than the unemployment post.

  14. Sad that someone's PRIVATE page was shared by a obviously JEALOUS FB Friend! Re-evaluate your FB Friends, there is atleast one that is miserable and needs company!
    Best Wishes Wendy...you will succeed through this silly nonsense!

  15. This picture has ZERO bearing on the ability to do her job, or how effective she will be.

    I'm sure NONE of you have ever done anything fun, have you?

    Ya'll should be ashamed of yourselves. Judge not lest ye be judged, and casting the first stone, and what not... I thought this was a good upstanding Christian place!

  16. 7-9-13
    Sorry,but NO,this speaks to the integrity of the Somerset Scl. Board. IF, in fact the Board did care about the image of the school system, self respect would be taught with a point value of at least '9'.
    My assertion is 'IF' the school board CARED, this employee's contract would be terminated forth with. How can you chastise a teachers' conduct when the aire of professionalism that should be maintained is in fact in the crapper. This picture is in line with the wearing of one's pants down around the knees only with a feminine overtone rusing of a Good Ole Saturday Nite 'Ho Down'.

  17. Anyone who judges someone based on a Facebook Picture... needs to remove the plank from their own eye before judging the Speck in someone else's.

    Concerned Citizen? More like bored busy-body with nothing else to complain about.

  18. Looks like she is having a good time. Most of you posting are the hate need to have some fun in your sad lives.

  19. What someone does off the clock is their business not school time. Get real it's summer.

  20. I like her more at the job now because it shows she's human and not some stiff pencil pusher who is hard to work with. You people criticizing her are all prudes. Thank God I don't have to wake up next to you all in the morning.

  21. if having sex with an intern in the oval office "does not affect a person's ability to be a good leader"..... then, neither does having fun at a bar.

  22. She replaced Marvin Blye who is actually a Wicomico County Board of Education member. What happened to him?

  23. "Sad that someone's PRIVATE page was shared by a obviously JEALOUS FB Friend! Re-evaluate your FB Friends,"

    Any intelligent person would not ever consider anything they post online private. There's no such thing. It's far from rocket science.

  24. God forbid she has a little fun like the rest of us. Not News!

  25. Why would you post this? Drinking is still legal if you're over 21 and don't drive afterward, as far as I know.

  26. 2:15
    "anonymous".....do we know who you are? No, because you chose to be "PRIVATE", just like the original poster and myself. There is such a thing as privacy on the internet (to some extent), unfortunately, some people don't respect others privacy by trying to slander another person behind their computer screen. Not to mention adding her mother's name to the post!
    The person who posted this does not care about the children but only themself!

  27. Wow. Somebody sitting at a bar. The horror!

    We should fire everybody who works at the Board of Ed for hiring somebody who sits at a bar. That'll teach 'em.

  28. Ok...so what I hear people saying here is is is ok to have a good time, just don't ever let anyone take a picture of it..and for God sakes, if there is one taken don't post in on your own Facebook page? Can you say hypocritical? To me that says you are trying to hide your personality and I'd rather have someone honest and forthcoming be in charge!

  29. You go girl, do know you but I would bet you work hard and play hard. Keep it up.

  30. It's not like she's nude or something, allow her to have a life. If everyone were as prude as most here, the suicide rate would skyrocket. She's not doing anything wrong in the picture.

  31. The picture in question can only be seen by her facebook friends and she was tagged in the picture by another friend. Anyone who is not a facebook friend with her cannot see the picture, so this only means one of her friends has it "out" for her.

  32. Wow. Wendy was a long time member of NA.
    I guess that recovery plan isn't going so well.
    No she isn't nude or doing anything wrong but
    when you take on a position that is paid for with
    public funds your life is examined. It is ashamed
    that young professionals don't take social media
    more seriously. It might just be a picture but as they say it's worth a thousand words.

  33. What a positive example she sets for our youth as well as professionals in the area. Apparently common sense, decency and good manners are not a requirement of her new position in our school system. Sure hope she can demonstrate better leadership skills and professionalism in the future. But then again, maybe she'll fit in real well with the "good ole boy" government in Somerset since she already has her bar experience down pat.

  34. Typical Somerset County appointee, why put someone who is qualified to do a job that family or friends can't do.

  35. Salisbury and Princess Anne needs a "city mirror" shame on all of you! Life is to short to not have a little fun! Lucky for you no one took pictures! Let this young lady do her job and enjoy her time off. Lets look at Real Criminals and fix that problem.Keep your chin-up Wendy! You are better than these haters!

  36. "Concerned resident"? More like malicious spreader of slander. Sounds like this person has a personal vendetta against Wendy.

    I have worked in a professional setting with Wendy for 5 years. She is a dedicated, hardworking, intelligent professional with the utmost integrity, and the residents of Somerset County are lucky to have her.

    Shame on the coward who submitted this "news".

  37. I am sure she is qualified for her job. BUT keep in mind that any professional in any profession should be very careful what they post on Facebook. And maybe more careful who they "friend" on Facebook.
    Especially if you are in a public service type job, in the spotlight, so to say. People are watching.

  38. What has society come too? What happened to acting responsible and respectable? Children look to those who are put into leadership roles as their mentors. Is it really acceptable for us to say loosen up, she is just having fun, or don't be so backward about your beliefs? I say, "No". Parents, teachers, and others work hard to teach our youth that drugs and alcohol aren't acceptable. Yet when they see pictures like this threaded throughout our media with comments such as these it doesn't help reinforce a young person ability to make positive choices. I know Wendy too. She will work hard and do a good job. It's just sad that someone with such a bright future who grew up with a mother in the public eye hasn't learned that when your livelihood is paid for by hardworking tax payers you had better know how to behave and have thick skin.

  39. WOW everyone is freaking out over this. Her sitting up there is not sending a "wrong message" to youth, FYI, alcohol is very acceptable. That's why there are bars and liquor stores all over the WORLD!
    I don't even see a drink in her hand so who's to say she was even drinking, maybe just being silly. Oh wait, I guess that's unacceptable as well. I'm so sorry for you all that are so grumpy and miserable. What a waste of life!!

  40. Hey 7:42- guess what you're teaching our kids?? That cyber-bullying is okay!! Get your self righteous butt off your high horse and end this smear campaign.
    I am guessing you are the originator of this content, as well as the author of many of these negative comments. Grow up and quit cyber-bullying.
    Signed, 9:27 p.m.

  41. I work at the bank the school deals with if we suddenly start getting lots on $1.00 dollar bills in our deposits I will know Wendy's been working hard to on raise funds for the county.

  42. I wonder how many of the school children will even know what the meaning of or who the CFO is for their School District.

    I am so glad that not everyone commenting on here are a bunch of prudes like the original poster.

    Enjoy your life and be happy...Wendy sure is and good for her!

  43. There are some seriously small minded people out there. I wish someone would out the self-righteous fool who posted that nonsense.

  44. I agree with what some other people have said, this shows what terrible role models people can be. But posting a picture of yourself sitting at a bar should NOT be considered wrong. She is not wearing anything inappropriate or doing anything inappropriate. She is not even holding alcohol, but if she was that would not be illegal... arguing whether alcohol should be allowed is a whole other issue. I agree that this is CYBER-BULLYING. The person who shared this is the truly horrible person and a bad role model. I'd like to know who she is, where she works, her mother's name, and a picture of her. I work in a school system and cyber-bullying is a hot issue... not posting an innocent picture. All the people who negatively commented on this are bullies and THIS SHOULD NOT BE ON THIS SITE! Or, you could take any person and post personal information and try to ruin their life for no good reason. Who is next?

  45. She should have least have better shoes on if she is going to be sitting on top of a bar.

  46. Folks who have a problem with this picture need a little fun in their lives, like Ms. Harrison is having in the photo. Seriously, it won't hurt. Loosen up a little and live. Life is waaaay to short to get uptight about every little thing.

  47. I thought "character Assassination " was illegal. At least she can now lead the children by example of what happens to you on the internet if you are not careful.

  48. I agree with the first post. Im not from here and Delmarva is ripe with hearsay and rumors. People here are bored from not having a life of their own. I wish I could get the hell out. Nepotism and the rumor mill is what runs the Delmarva Peninsula. Having lived elsewhere I can tell you that the ones that love it here are either old or ignorant.

  49. I believe this is a bit inappropriate for any grown women to do. Maybe something to do with the all women college I attended which was a bit of a finishing school. Probably why I refuse to have a Facebook, It was reinforced over and over into us at college that our privacy was to be guarded fiercely so to be ever on the alert and not ever do something that may cause attention.
    Personally I don't think this makes her a bad person nor anyway does it affect her job performance. I wouldn't be so quick to criticize either because hopefully everyone has learned a valuable lesson at her expense. Always learning something from other's misfortunes is what is important.


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