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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sarasota Police chief lights candle for Trayvon Martin

SARASOTA - Sarasota Police Chief Bernadette DiPino lit a candle in memory of Trayvon Martin and other victims of gun violence.
She stood Thursday morning near a bust of slain civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in the northern Sarasota park bearing his name, surrounded by artificial flowers on loan from a local funeral home.

DiPino appealed for peaceful protests, should George Zimmerman — the man accused of murdering Travyvon Martin — be acquitted by the jury in Sanford that soon will deliberate his fate.

"The reason we're here — I felt it important to reach out to the community for help," DiPino said. "I am asking for the help of all citizens of Sarasota to prepare a peaceful response to the verdict."



  1. She was an opportunist in ocean city and now in Florida !

  2. Now you can see why OC is in the shape it's in.

  3. Good place for her. Wasn't it under her watch that Ocean City did a complete turn around from a family resort to a haven for the criminal element? This is why-a pandering to the criminal elements in society.

  4. None of her business. obvious who she sides with. she doesn't believe in the criminal justice system she is supposed to be enforcing. should be fired.

  5. LOL, Unbelievable. Wonder what Salisbury chief police views are on this???

  6. When I heard she was leaving my first thought was don't let the door hit you in the butt.
    OC went progressively downhill with her as chief and now we are to the point where people are shooting guns and stabbings. She never ever showed leadership by addressing these problems that were beginning to surface and now have gotten out of control. The Boardwalk was progressively turning into the "hood" and could have been nipped in the bud had the right competent person been at the helm.
    I really don't know what the powers that be were thinking when she was hired. Didn't they even look at what had happened in OC?

  7. Great comment from the link provided-

    "doesn't anyone ever learn....apologizing or pandering to a populace that is threatening violence, does NOT stop or lower the chance of violence, in fact it increases as now you appear weak...."

  8. pure irony isn't it?
    glad she is gone so it won't be our embareassment

  9. Sick, really sick is what she is. I guess she wants to be President.

  10. People like her are NUTS!
    That camp, led by Obama and Holder now not only want us to tolerate the Thug Ghetto lifestyle, they expect us to go defenseless against it!

  11. She should have taken a leadership position and said protest okay but one inkling of it getting out of hand will be dealt with by a zero tolerance approach.

    In OC her zero tolerance approach was some poor person unknowingly stepping on a city sidewalk with a cocktail in hand and getting arrested. I seem to recall reading how they even set people up by seeing someone drinking alcohol on private property and asking them for directions or something and the second they stepped off of private property were arrested.
    But yes, in the meantime the boardwalk was starting to resemble West Baltimore and nothing was done about that. I guess it was because no one knew what to do and how to handle it. It was out of her league. I predict Sarasota is going to see crime skyrocket after all didn't it in OC?

  12. Another woman with her head shoved up the butt of her handlers. We saw this with Clinton, Susan Rice, the IRS chick and on and on. I was losing faith in women until the 6 woman jurors came back with a not guilty verdict. These 6 women are strong women who refuse to bow to public opinion and politically correctness. They are their own people not female slaves: who need not a thought in their heads because others are dictating to them what to think, what to say.

  13. She was worthless in O.C. A good example of affirmative action. Remember she was police chief of at least one other city before coming to O.C. She is moving from job to job for a reason.

  14. WOW! its the police depts job to help stop crime, but not to bow down and cuddle to these low life half wits that are acting on anger alone and no common sense. martin was proven to be a thug piece of crap. and to have the police chief light a candle for his but is insulting to police everywhere, let alone the men and women under depino now. what a sell out!

    eastern shore officer

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Good place for her. Wasn't it under her watch that Ocean City did a complete turn around from a family resort to a haven for the criminal element? This is why-a pandering to the criminal elements in society.

    July 17, 2013 at 8:23 AM

    No, OC has been going downhill for decades. I'm sure she didn't help matters there. Why in the world would a police chief light a candle anyway? She is dragging her dept. into this circus for no good reason.

  16. Speaks volumes about someone's lack of class and good taste.
    Why would anyone memorialize Trayvon Martin? His social media postings were vile and anti social.
    He glorified the use of drugs including the drug cocktail Lean, and fighting. He used the N word over and over. He was found with stolen jewelry, defaced others property and had been suspended from school a large number of times. He was a bad bad bad kid. You can not sugar coat it.
    He should be forgotten. For anyone to bring attention to him is sending the wrong message to the youth of today. We don't want them seeing someone like Martin as a hero.
    This is all just really weird to me and shows an extremely lack of good judgment.

  17. Grand standing at its best....and now we have to deal with the mess she left in OC.

  18. She was first one to buy Rolling Stones magazine I am sure... She will probably frame it.

  19. She was never chief of another police department, only OC. She was an officer with Baltimore county and had experience in the back seat of a patrol car. That's how she got to OC. They gave her the option to resign or be fired.

  20. A candle for him? Not long ago at a "remember the gun violence victims" the Lefties actually had the one Boston Bomber who was shot by the police as a "victim". Puuullleeeaaassseeee!

  21. Looks like ol Burnie has lost her last marble!!!

  22. YEEEEAAAAAHHHH! That bad ole' bad Chief Bernadette DiPino should've just done nothing at all, just like all of these Anonymous critics! And, and, and like...President Obama,... who's licking his chops while Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are inciting as much hostility as possible! Now she's ruined everything! The potential for looting and burning entire metropolises to mere ashes (just like back in the 60's!), and killing and maiming as many people as possible, under the perverted guises of racial/social "justice" could ALL be lost forever! What little I've known of this Chief in my limited encounters with her, if she's not an extremely conscientious Christian, then she's an award-winning actress!! If the worst she receives from her populace on this gesture is rejection/criticism/negativity, then at LEAST she's created the O-P-P-O-R-T-U-N-I-T-Y for community-wide dialogue. Can anyone spell "courage"?? (It's in the dictionary WAY before "coward".) Ellie

  23. She'll lie to an officer's face gaining her trust and then have the patrol division commander (a captain, Kirstein) retaliate against the officer. That's why 6 officers in 2011 left with in 6 months. None of them eligible for retirement.

    Sarasota P.D. is screwed!! She already discredited OCPD. Now Sarasota PD and the entire police profession. She is the biggest law enforcement joke this country has seen.


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