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Monday, July 08, 2013

Ruthless Mexican Drug Cartel Recruiting In The U.S.

A Mexican drug cartel known for kidnapping random civilians and beheading its rivals has expanded its operations into the U.S.

The gang known as Los Zetas is recruiting U.S. prison and street gangs, and non-Mexicans, for its drug trafficking and support operations in Mexico and the U.S.

An FBI intelligence bulletin notes that “multiple sources” reported the shift in Los Zetas recruiting. The cartel sought to maintain a highly disciplined and structured hierarchy by recruiting members with specialized training, such as former military and law enforcement officers.



  1. I don't click links here, but I hope this article is from 2008-2009? They have been going after white (non hispanic) chulos for years. They typically won't prospect blacks, as they view them as "lazy" and "not trustworthy". No hate, that's from reports years back. Go watch the movie Blood in, blood out... you'll see what I mean.

  2. 414, your "information" comes from some obscure fictional movie from the 90's. And we're supposed to take your opinion seriously?? Absolutely laughable. Take a trip to LA and you'll see the real reason why they don't seem to recruit too many blacks.


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