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Sunday, July 07, 2013

Resisting Arrest


  1. Don't cops carry guns?!

  2. @9:58

    Yea, because we need more unjustified dog murders.

  3. Dog wouldn't have a chance against my .44 mag!

  4. The officers were good people - the irresponsible owner should be shot & the dog taken to a "no kill" rescue & placed in a good, caring, responsible home !!!

  5. Dog should be on a leash so I say shoot it

  6. I agree 1:56. Take a look at the background of the picture. A dog shouldn't have to live in such a neighborhood. Looks like a ghetto.

  7. dont blame them. i would have been on the car too! dont trust a pit bull any further then i could throw it.

  8. These poor type of dogs get stuck with idiot owners. The dog pounds across America are filled with them now. Should be the thugs that go to the pound when the dog bites innocent people.

  9. Cops are dummy's. Dogs don't like carrots.

  10. I'd say this neighborhood is already "Protected and Served"!

  11. I feel sorry for the poor dog having to live chained, begging food and water, with no shelter from the elements and given no love and no positive attention. These dogs are great dogs and they are good with children. These aren't murderous dogs. The owners and thugs are the ones to blame. Pits are loyal to their masters to the death. They deserve respect. If owners treated them with love and didn't abuse, burn, and beat them almost to death, they wouldn't be mean. ANY dog will turn, when constantly abused by people. Adults need to teach their children to show respect with their dogs and not kick them or punch and pinch them. They need to be shown how to gently pet the dogs. As with adults, the pits or any dog need to be treated with love and attention and in return you will be showered with a devotion you will never know again.

  12. I'm only afraid of Pits when there are several.Something happens & they become aggressive.I guess they call that the pack mentality.Some people are the same way.

  13. Look at the black cop, doing his best Obi Wan Konobi move on the dog. LOL! THAT'S why, despite the DOZENS of murders each month in Chicago, cops will not go door to door looking for the criminals. In the inner city, they don't stand a hope in hell of pulling off the crap they did in Boston. They don't have enough power and would be the laughingstock of the nation as TV crews caught them running like little girls when citizens actually fought back. Kill a few white people and an ARMY of armed men will hunt you down. Kill dozens of black people and the police just yawn and order some raspberry Krispy Cremes to keep them happy at the latest seat belt checkpoint.


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