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Monday, July 22, 2013

Prescription Drugs Now Kill More People In The US Than Heroin And Cocaine Combined

Prescription opioid painkillers are responsible for more fatal overdoses in the U.S. than heroin and cocaine combined, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
Opioid painkillers include prescription narcotics such as like Vicodin (hydrocodone), OxyContin (oxycodone), Opana (oxymorphone) and methodone.

"An epidemic of prescription drug abuse is devastating American families and draining state and federal time, money and manpower," Rep. Hal Rogers (R-Ky.), chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, said in a press release.



  1. I think the war is on the wrong drugs. These man made opioids are the real problem!

  2. Another drug "epidemic" to freak out the masses? Just how many people died last year from cocaine AND heroin (in a country of 300+ MILLION) that would cause us to become alarmed? More laws. More police. More prisons. More taxes. THAT should solve the problem...if it doesn't, repeat it. More laws, more prisons, blah blah blah. Its worked great for the last 50 years. And don't forget to throw in a good dose of hysteria.

  3. Who's the gateway drug to herion.not pot!!..the big pharma drug war continue ..not much money to be made if people get all they need outta weed..big pharma and the bankers and representative who support them the real criminals..along with the FDA who poision us on one hand with food additives and cure nothing on the other hand..but ensure we are addicts to big pharma

  4. Shhhh, just keep making your kids choke back those ADD/ADHD pills. Listen to your doctor (Who gets a handsome penny for going with one rx over another) and make your kids take them. They'll end up in a psych ward, maybe a mass murderer, but hey... it's legal. Just take them!


  5. And were going to build a drug factory in Salisbury!

  6. 5:28 PM.. It's for the children.

  7. 528, we already have more than one!

    The "war on drugs and poverty" is inches away from being won after 50 years.


    Oh, but don't give up.


    Oh, there may be another way.


  8. After you hear one of their commercials, usually during the world news, with all the negative side effects including suicidal thoughts and death I think some street drugs may be safer. Big-Pharma should be held accountable for what they have done to a whole generation of our kid's brains. The truth is they have so much money, power and influence now there is no stopping them.

  9. You are so correct 5:27. What most people do not realize is that Ritalin is addictive and when stopped withdrawal will occur.
    This leads to the child having cravings and then into drug seeking behaviours.

  10. Oh they can be stopped! We have the power of purchase and protest. But we can't fall for the trayvon distractions, get our faces out of the tv and get involved. Start by learning about topics with your own research, calling your politicians because one call equals 500 to 1,000 voters in their minds. Educate ourselves and discover the natural cures big pharma despises. Big pharma makes trillions to treat not cure.

  11. and to think the government wants to control food supplements now. do you know of anyone who has died of an overdose of vitamins, minerals, herbs ? if there has been a death from these supplements it had to be a fluke.


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