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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Possible DHS Pick Martin O’Malley: Conservatives Are Terrorists

Rumors are circulating that Gov. Martin O’Malley (D-Md.) may be nominated to replace outgoing Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

Those like Napolitano, who think conservatives are terrorists, should be delighted by this development.

O’Malley regards reducing government spending as a terrorist act. He said so on Feb. 8, 2005 when he was mayor of Baltimore.

I was in the room at the National Press Club when O’Malley blasted then-President George W. Bush for daring to propose cutting spending on the truly awful $4.7 billion Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program administered by the worse-than-useless Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). (The Washington Post also reportedthe story at the time.)

CDBG is an out-of-control slush fund politicians use to buy votes. The Bush administration wanted to eliminate CDBG and replace it and 17 other federal community development programs with a new $3.7 billion program.



  1. Those of us who still have some common sense left know that O'Malley has always been a tax and spend Democrat. I'm different. I like to balance my checkbook at the end of the month. Democrats love to overspend and then blame it on somebody else.

  2. i choose to look at it this way if he is chosen to run DHS he will no longer be the Gov of Maryland. i say how soon can he go.

  3. 11:02 - considering how he hosed MD - do we really want to foist that level of competence on the entire country?!

  4. I don't think a cabinet position is the prize O'Malley has his eye on.


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