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Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Poll: Obama Approval Craters To Record Low

According to the latest IBD/TIPP Presdential Leadership Index, Obama's approval rating is at a record low. The Presidential Leadership Index dropped to 43% from 49% a month ago. "The 11.7% slide was the worst since Obama took office. For the fourth straight month, the reading stood below 50, signaling disapproval." The survey was conducted by TechnoMetrica and took place June 24-29 among 857 adults.

"Each day that passes there's a new mention of these things," TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence President Raghavan Mayur said of the NSA, IRS and other scandals. "They seem to kind of fester. They don't seem to go away."



  1. As it will continue.

  2. The dissapproving would be pretty much everybody not getting a government subsidy check in some form. It will only go lower when those others checks stop coming. The way BHO is desroying the economy that should be soon because there wont be enough taxpayers to keep sucking from.


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