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Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Police Shoot & Kill Man Holding Garden Hose, Family Receives $6.5m


  1. In Princess Anne it was a cane that supposedly got a man shot by police.

  2. 3:28 "murdered" by police.

  3. Not surprised - We live in a gun happy culture. If people would protect life as ferociously as they protect their right to bare arms, we would have a more peaceful society.

  4. 421, we're not a gun happy culture. Put this in your book as something not to do when you're drunk, and for the police; there are ways to approach a "man with a gun" so as to not be a target and to assess the situation for yourself, not what somebody claimed anonymously in a phone call. Talk first, don't run in with a hail of gunfire.

  5. The neighbor that can't see seems to be the idiot here, along wth the man pointing stuff at the police. People, quit f--king with the police, don't you get it?

  6. 7:20 Facts man...
    The man never knew the police were there... he was playing with a hose nozzle on the back steps of his friends home probably pretending to shoot imaginary things while drunk. He never knew what hit him as he was gunned down by sniper fire as two paramilitary shooters stalked and murdered him.
    That's the truth.
    They should both be charged with murder, but I'd bet they are pimping a police interceptor on patrol as I type.

  7. 7:20 wow. The police are supposed to "protect and serve" the people, not to be against them. You should go back and take a citizenship class. 4:59 said it right, assess the situation.

  8. Thank God there is such a great collection here of law enforcement tactics and "use of force" expertise. You guys are going to make an outstanding groups of recruits @ the next criminal justice academy. Can't wait to see you all there.

  9. For those of you that know exactly what happened and how this man was "murdered", can you please post the hyperlink for the video of this confrontation or were you actually there? I have yet to see the video myself so I am baffled as to how you all have this all figured out and based on your vast LE knowledge have identified what the police did wrong. Thanks in advance.

  10. 426, I believe the article exposes 6.5 million reasons of police wrongdoing. How many do you need?


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