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Sunday, July 07, 2013

Peter Franchot Meets With Local Business Leaders In Fruitland - 'Maryland Is Currently Experiencing a Jobless Recovery'

This past Tuesday, June 25th, 2013, Maryland's Comptroller Peter Franchot met with local business leaders in Fruitland.  During the meeting Mr. Franchot reiterated that Maryland is 'currrently experiencing a jobless recovery and that it will take creation of  300,000 new jobs in order to get Maryland back to normal.'

“My view is that we need to focus like a laser on private sector job growth,” he said, adding the state government is spending, taxing and borrowing too much money."

Here at SBYnews our organization has been posting the monthly jobs reports as reported by the US Bureau of Labor statistics for Salisbury/Wicomico - and we concur with the Maryland Comptroller's observation that our local economy continues to severely suffer with no visible signs of a recovery.

Article by Beezer, SBYnews Contributor


  1. I agree with SBYnews & the comptrollers assessment. Even McDonalds is not hiring until they see how Obama care is going to play out. And those that could hire - are not hiring because of Obamacare effects. There is just not much out there in new employment. About the only ones that are insulated are the government and the educational professionals. All the rest of us are fair game and are being burdened with additional taxes.

  2. What else can we expect when the citizens are taxed to death? It's too late, government has created a lot of this problem and it does not have the ability or will to solve it while continuously raising our taxes and fees. I wish I could get the value out of my house here in Fruitland and I would be gone from this state. Fruitland is simply an extension of Salisbury with a contiguous border and the same problems.

  3. Not pretty. O'Malley has nothing positive to spin when he issues press releases right after each job report.

  4. Got to hand it to Franchot. At least he tells it like it is and does not make us distortions. I wish some of other politicians would fess-up and do the same.

  5. 1:34, you hit the nail on the head. Obamacare will be one of the largest job destroying laws ever passed. But, again, our current Democratic Senate doesn't have the balls to go against Obama. He was out to destroy this Country from the get-go. Remember his statement, "We live in one of the greatest Countries in the world, help me change it". But Democrats were too stupid to see it coming, and voted for him anyway.

  6. I just sent this to a friend who is a reporter at the Baltimore Sun. He just informed me last week that Baltimore was experiencing a reduction in businesses and that there was a major auto importer who was considering a move to Norfolk because of the rain tax.

  7. Franchot is a Tacoma Park liberal BUT he has accounting credentials and i honestly believe he cares about this state. This isnt the first time he has told a truth in the face of an Omalley lie.

    He is worth listening to.


  9. In all fairness guys,is'nt this the situation all over the country and not just MD?

  10. I just bought land over the border in Delmar Delaware. Now if I can just sell my home I'll be one gallery camper.

  11. Franchot has been the Comptroller for how long and he's JUST realizing the fiscal mess Maryland is in? Smells...

  12. Franchot said:

    “My view is that we need to focus like a laser on private sector job growth,” he said, adding the state government is spending, taxing and borrowing too much money."

    Yes, and he'll be one of those in need of a job creation if he keeps spilling it like that!

  13. Responding to 4:46

    I am pretty sure that Franchot sees the handwriting on the wall. This is why he is going around the state and telling it like it is - because he doesn't want to be the one to blame when O'Malley leaves office. O'Malley will claim it was Franchot's fault when the economy turns south again. You and I both know that there is going to be a backlash very soon to all of these tax increases and when it does it is not going to look pretty. Right now the trigger is cocked and the general public has had enough of these new taxes to cause them to rise-up and rebel.

  14. Reference 2:17 Posting

    I heard on WJLA radio that the import auto dealer is situated at the Harbor in Baltimore and the rain tax was going to cost them $400,000 per year. They put the longshoreman on notice that they plan to leave and currently looking to relocate to the Port in Norfolk, VA.

  15. No positive GDP and there is no growth. Maryland officials have dug their own grave with their continued passage of more and more taxes and regulation.

    On the positive side - there are still a few states that are experiencing positive GDP like Indiana, Texas, North Dakota, Colorado - and these are the ones to look to. As for Maryland - I believe it is going to get worse before it gets better. Franchot is aware of Maryland's plight as he has fought with the Governor over numerous spending issues. The Governor just snubs Franchot and Franchot just keeps collecting the money and the Governor continues to sqauander.

  16. Obamanomics in motion

  17. i love md. gas tax increase bay bridge toll increase. gee wally martin omalley is such a swell guy.

  18. To 5:59

    Just wait till next week when Wicomico taxpayers get their latest tax bills. I can almost guarantee that there are going to be some upset citizens when they realize what has been done to them. Then - the trigger will go off and we might witness a backlash.

  19. first of all the elected officials havent dug their own graves,they have dug yours people!!!!!WAKE UP!!!!do you think they are worried about making a living?? not hardly!!!! Here on the shore for decades there has been no new job growth. low paying Mc Donalds type jobs dont allow people to make it. The only things that keep this area even slightly going is the farmers first and Ocean City second. The farmers can barely break even in a good year,and they havent had one in sometime. Ocean City has lost its charm with overpriced parking,food,hotel rooms,and beach trinkets. These two industries dont promote any real jobs. No not every part of the country is doing well no sugar coating that but when you leave the shore and look around were there are lots of people you have many good paying jobs. I am moving to Naples,Florida this week,nearly 300k year around residents,great jobs,schools,low crime,and the weather is nice year around...this week when its in the low 90s here it will be the high 80s there. Oh and lastly they love tourists and treat them like the gold they truly are, unlike here were come heres and tourists you know the people with real money in the first place are hated and cursed by you born heres...good luck to ya as up goes the gas tax,sales tax and who knows what else...I will pay $1.50 an hour to park my car at the free clean beach while paying no state income tax because there isnt any. Just count the fortune 500 companies in Florida and then Maryland....How long before whats left of the decent paying jobs here go south? Theres not much left here now oh yeh high crime,taxes,and job loss....

  20. Franchot and a couple others nearly always dissents in regards to Maryland BD of Public Works extravacant spending proposals. On several occasions Franchot is just shy by a single vote. O'Malley is always the one who is responsible for initiating the aggressive spending initiatives and then Franchot is left holding the bag trying to finance the manuever. I believe he is getting tired of trying to cover O'Malley's butt.

  21. 4:03 Said - in all fairness isn't this the situation all over the country.

    Response: Some places, but Maryland continues to dig their own grave with all of these new taxes and increased fees. I wish our elected officials would just hold their ground on fee increases and new taxes so as to allow our normal citizens to have a sigh of relief.

  22. HELLLOOOO.....Wake up!!!! the elected officials are the ones who benefit from most of this crap...does the term if you want to be a millionaire become a politician......The eastern shore hasnt created the jobs needed here as the old boys club wouldnt get much out of that....Most of the good jobs that left here didnt go into thin air....they went somewere else....better case closed.Its not up to elected officials to create jobs...it requires much much more.

  23. Not too mention if the auto importer leaves Baltimore that will have a trickle down effect on the marine terminal employees where the cargo comes in and other businesses that feed off of them. For instance I know of a machine company that is contracted out by one of the marine terminals. If the terminals lose contracts so will others.

  24. Jobless recovery:the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

  25. The rich and banks hold 95% of the wealth out here so there will be no recovery until they decide to let lose some of that money.

  26. Joe,you need to keep posted all the time lawmakers phone#s and email addresses so people can jam them with our complaints.

  27. Jam them with complaints all you want they arent completely to blame and they wont change much. Part of the problem here on the shore is the lack of people.The more people you have living in an area does create more jobs and also larger employers know they can fill positions in an area with much larger populations. You have more farms than people here and companies know that. They want to supply their emplyees with safe areas to work,good schools for the children. This area has made no forward progress in twenty years and the downward slide will continue. The eastern shore was a nice place to visit years ago now the over priced tourist traps here are doing it in. There are plenty of beaches and boardwalks on the east coast that offer exactly what the eastern shore offers for a whole lot less money.....and they actualy like comeheres because they bring money....

  28. Maryland is a very unfriendly state for business, now it's pretty unfriendly for residents, too. This post and Franchot's views are right on point.

  29. I wonder how many of our local officials were in attendence to this meeting. I hope they were listening to our top financial officer.

  30. I sure am glad that SBYnews is now serving our area. Otherwise, this event would have been swept under the rug like so many others.

  31. Eight years till retirement!! Then I plan on leaving MD as fast as possible. Sell my home and move to Florida. Worst run state in the country. Tax and spend is all this state does. Running people and businesses off in record numbers.

  32. 9:14 It's The rich get taxed more, so the worthless can receive handouts.

    9:17 Not going to happen. My money is safe and staying put. I purposely buy American, but do so outside of MD. They take enough, and don't represent me well... so bye.

  33. If you will look at the businesses in Ocean City they are owned by out of state people. It is not the people here who make everything high priced it is the people who own these businesses.

  34. Until we get people like you Joe in office nothing will change Run for County Executive and win.

  35. Another democrat in Fruitland Just what we need! Oh I am sorry I do not want to get called an Idiot!

    1. if the shoe fits....if i am correct, i believe joe called you out as a liar. that makes you a liar and an idiot.

  36. I heard Carnival just announced today that they will be moving out of the Port of Baltimore. More jobs down the drain. Carnival employed 220 workers and contributed 70 million to the local economy. Now they are high tailing it out of here.

  37. Somebody please explain what this "jobless recovery" is. How can we have a recovery with no jobs? This is a ridiculous politician's term with no actual meaning.

  38. and now we're told that only 47% of the jobs in the U.S. are full-time. that means we who have full-time jobs are subsidizing the rest. a nation cannot continue down this ugly, dangerous road for very long without crashing. this is what spain is experiencing right now. you see how they're doing. Not Good.
    the naked emperor has masked this crisis by keeping the rates low on student loans so the students would remain students and not flood the job market. well that time has passed and the rates have gone up. now that the students are looking for work, there are No full time jobs. they take a job at starbucks and live with their parents. now their parents are helping them and they can't continue to save for retirement.
    do you see how this administration has destroyed our nation? I hope the readers get this...

  39. Reference: 8:38 Posting

    Good point - fact is - there is no recovery. Although the overall unemployment is shown to be going down - when one looks at the broader picture - the overall size of the workforce - it is much smaller today than it was prior to the recession.

    You won't hear about this phenomenum from the Governor, his administration, or high cabinet officials. However, the Comptroller sees the handwriting on the wall because he is privy to this sensitive information.

  40. Bottom line - our citizens are being taxed more and more and getting less in the form of government services.

    Basically, we (citizens) have become slaves to a corrupt government.

  41. Responding to 8:39 & 9:17 Postings

    You know the educational establishment finds itself in quite a quandry.

    Student interest rates double - and there are very few jobs available for each successive graduating class.

    This coupled with businesses downsizing and moving abroad and yet each year more and more students are entering the workforce - and that is shrinking preciptiously.

    Yet the government moves to tax our citizens more and more to prop-up a our diminishing educational asset. Sooner or latter this is going to collapse our society as we (US) is simply not generating enough private sector growth in industry. The collapse has got to happen - and I anticipate you will see this very soon. Already the municipal default rates have signficantly escalated and this is going to get worse as the educational machinery continues to deteriorate.

  42. Hello 2:03:
    In a nutshell one could say that it is the educational establishment that is contributing to the demise of our US business competitiveness. Now that would make for an interesting college debate on any campus.

  43. Looks as though Obamas stimulus has really helped to pull us out of the doldrums. What a nit wit.

  44. Looks like another wave of bankruptcies for the cities is coming up.

    IMHO I do not believe it pays to continue one education much further than college. The colleges are simply turning out to many grads with nothing to do. The same happened to the auto industry, computer industry, telecom industry, and now the college industry. There is currently to much dead weight and drain on society.

  45. It is the government education subsidies that have escalated the price of education. With todays high cost college tuition bills, it is simply not realistic to continue ones education beyond the community college level. Most of these students will never be able to repay their obligation.

  46. To 7:11 Posting - I think you are on the wrong blog. You must of hit the wrong click button for the wrong commentary.

    1. Nope...just replying to 3:32 on 7/1. The idiot.

  47. There are just no decent jobs out there. Most of the Fortune 100 companies have left US borders for greener pastures. Corporate income tax rates so high that there is more incentive to go out of business than to stay in business. And that is what is happening.

  48. Wow - this blog continues to amaze me. Great Coverage - SBYnews!


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