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Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Obama's 'Power Africa' Is Solyndra For Africa

The new $7 billion "Power Africa" initiative that President Barack Obama announced on June 30 during a speech in Cape Town, South Africa is billed as a genuine attempt to increase electricity production and distribution throughout sub-Saharan Africa. In reality, it is likely a "green energy" boondoggle that will reward favored companies, cronies and contributors--a "Solyndra for Africa," out of sight of the U.S. media.

The evidence is clear. In unveiling the project, Obama told the audience in Cape Town that Power Africa would "support clean energy to protect our planet and combat climate change." The day before, speaking to youth leaders in the former black township of Soweto, Obama said that Africa should not be allowed to develop in the same way the U.S. and other developed nations had--a familiar environmentalist refrain (video at CNS News):



  1. What a waste! We have so many families in America that can't even pay their electric bills so we are throwing millions at Africa? I just don't get why you dumb liberals keep voting for Democrats.

  2. He is putting this off because of the elections in 2014. He knows the Democrats are going to get their arsses kicked. My question is this. If the law was upheld by the Supreme Court, how can the dates be changed? The dates are written in the law. So it seems to me that Obama has just broken the law.

  3. 12:31-You said it-it's because they are dumb. The liberals in charge have seen to it that government schools, colleges and universities don't really teach but brainwash.

  4. Oh, but Obama is going to do anything he wants to do. Forget about laws - he is above all of that. Just read that his approval is at the lowest ever at this point - hows it working for you to all of those who voted for this guy!

  5. Africa "should not be allowed"?? Now, obama thinks he can exert his will over an entire CONTINENT? obama thinks "freedom" is a dirty word. He is the dumbest, stupidest, and most dangerous person to EVER be in the position he is in....


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