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Monday, July 22, 2013

MSNBC Panel Agrees: Small Government Led To Detroit’s Bankruptcy

Melissa Harris-Perry, appearing as a panel guest Friday on MSNBC’s “Now,” charged that Detroit’s filing for bankruptcy last week was due to small-government policies “many Republicans would impose on us.”

Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean first suggested that Detroit can make a viable comeback.

“When you have a median home price of $45,000, people are going to go buy those houses sooner or later,” he said, “but you’ve got to have a government to run the place.” 



  1. Would someone tell those idiots that the democrats have had complete control of Detroit the last sixty plus years.

  2. Small minded Democrats elected by small minded idiots on welfare caused the problem.

  3. So, even though the facts are that the Liberal Dems have overtaxed and overspent, it's the Republicans' fault now because the tax base from everyone moving out is too small to support the Government even IF it were small.

    Okay, I get it.

    Glad there was a way to blame Republicans, who have had no say in the Gov. there in decades!

  4. Detroit has been run for the last 30 years by liberal Democrats. That is the problem.

  5. “When you have a median home price of $45,000, people are going to go buy those houses sooner or later,”.

    Or, my version, "When you have a city who used to be the backbone of American Industry, and now the median home price, not value, is down to $45k, you have private and government workers running to greener pastured in droves."

    It's saying the same thing, only in a different way.


  6. Lady, get your head out of your liberal butt. Democrats have controlled Detroit for 60 years. And you think that anyone with any brains would listen to your views. You are dumber than a fishing worm.

  7. Wow, they will blame anybody but themselves.

    Detroit, Chicago and Commiefornia are the epitome of Democratic legislature.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Detroit has been run for the last 30 years by liberal Democrats. That is the problem.

    July 22, 2013 at 3:21 PM

    60 years my friend 60 years!

  9. It's Bush and his dang Republicans that did this! I SWEAR!

  10. The MSNBC freaks are so frickin outrageously stupid they are giving the communists a bad name.


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