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Monday, July 08, 2013

More Gun Lies From Gabby Giffords

Gabby Giffords and her still-weightless astronaut husband are like a gun-grabbing Foghat, eternally playing the state fair circuit of American politics. Now they are literally going on tour again, hoping that their audience will forgo the old favorites and welcome a track off their new album.

She’s really just a one-hit wonder hoping to match the airplay of her power ballad “I Suffered a Tragedy So I Have Special Moral Standing (To Advocate Stripping You of Your Fundamental Rights).” The sad truth is that she is the Psy of liberal advocacy, far past her 15 minutes yet valiantly trying to recapture the glory of her gun control Gangnam Style.

Her new tune is apparently entitled “Patriot” because her latest op-ed uses some form of that term four times in about 750 words. I guess it’s now “patriotic” to want to impinge on the constitutional rights of fellow Americans. She doesn’t explain why.



  1. What an idiot article, this woman was shot in the head at point blank range by a madman with guns and ammunition, people were killed including a 6 year old girl. Now the author wants to trash her....I think not; the author is a spineless parasite.

  2. do you think she might being paid large sums of money to spew the party line

  3. I agree with 1:12 have a heart, don't be so vicious

  4. 112-She was pro-gun until she was shot. Now she changed her tune. Sounds selfish to me.

  5. Being shot in the head gives her no excuse for lying! The pair of them need to go crawl in a hole and reemerge when they act like civilized human beings who are honest and don't lie. Until then they should be dismissed as the lying opportunists that they are.

  6. lib lib lib, even when shot in the head.


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