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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Lost Dog 7-24-13: UPDATE

Bruno was taken to the humane society this Morning where it was discovered he had a micro chip. He has since been retuned home safely.

Thanks for all of your help Joe!

Hey Joe,

Just spoke with you over the phone. Found this guy running across the street on Camden right in front of Holloway Hall.

Very friendly to people. Not so much other dogs.

Seems to be a mixed breed. Sits on command, with some incentive. No tags. Is definitely a runner when he has the chance. Has a blue harness and was dragging about 20ft worth of red wire where it looks like her must have been tied up.

Have attached a picture. I have another dog and they do not seem to be compatible, mine being a larger bully breed I wouldn’t feel safe keeping him around too long so will probably be forced to drop him off at the Humane Society tomorrow morning.

My contact phone number is 443-867-5185. Appreciate the help.


  1. you can't take animals to the shelter.lucky this one had a chip. otherwise he would have been euthanized.

  2. So glad that Bruno is home ! Mr. Albero and the person that found Bruno are both to be commended on their efforts in his return to his family.


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