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Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Kirsten Powers: I Don’t Stand With Wendy Davis

Stand with the pink-sneakered Texas legislator and her fight to allow mothers to abort babies past the 20th week of pregnancy? Never—and most women wouldn’t either, says Kirsten Powers.

It’s amazing what is considered heroism these days.

A Texas legislator and her pink sneakers have been lionized for an eleventh-hour filibuster against a bill that would have made it illegal for mothers to abort babies past 20 weeks of pregnancy, except in the case of severe fetal abnormalities or to protect the life or health of the mother.

People actually cheered this.

But the fight is not over. The bill will be reintroduced, and supporters of the ban are optimistic it will pass. For now, Wendy Davis has achieved the dubious victory of maintaining a very dark status quo. Texas women will still be able to abort a healthy baby up to the 26th week of pregnancy for any reason, as the current law allows. 



  1. I don't know that the number of weeks really matters in this debate. I have awesome kids, and they have awesome kids, but at 17 I wasn't ready to be a mom. I was lucky that I never had to choose.

  2. @6:07

    Spot on. Its a choice, don't believe in abortion then don't have one or better yet don't become pregnant in the first place.

  3. Fully agree with 6:07 and 7:38. And also, this bill isn't just about number of weeks. It's also about shutting down clinics that offer healthcare services other than abortion to women in need.

  4. This bill would include partial-birth abortion. Are you familiar with that procedure? 1) baby is manipulated into a feet first position 2)baby is delivered except for the head 3)scissors are plunged into the base of the skull 4)brains are suctioned out 5) lifeless baby is pulled out

    This is murder.

  5. OK people,time for an absolute abortion law that stands nationwide.Quit talking about it and just do it.Take the ammo away from the politicians who use abortion pros and cons to get elected.All 50 states need to be given the same mandate with the same degree of punishment for violators.A happy medium should be possible.Not everyone will agree with the new law but everyone will have to abide by it.

  6. She is a hero supporting a women's right to choice Why do Republican men insist on making laws that don't effect men

  7. She (and you) are advocating murder.
    No one has the right to choose to kill someone that is innocent of any crime.
    You both should hang for your crime.
    I support womens right to choose not to get pregnant.


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