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Monday, July 15, 2013

Jury Instructions At Center Of Zimmerman Verdict

SANFORD, Fla. (AP) -- Jurors who acquitted George Zimmerman of all charges were guided in their deliberations by 27 pages of jury instructions that included two sections giving them an option to find him not guilty: justifiable use of deadly force and reasonable doubt.

The acquittal of the former neighborhood watch leader left many Americans wondering Sunday how the justice system could allow him to walk away from the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, the unarmed black teenager whose death provoked a long national debate over racial profiling and self-defense.

But the essential criteria for deciding the case came from the court itself, which told jurors that Zimmerman was allowed to use deadly force when he shot the teen not only if he actually faced death or bodily harm, but also if he merely thought he did.


  1. Where were these people when OJ got freed? They where on the streets laughing, So thats what i am doing ALL Week.

  2. When you find yourself, as a concealed carry person, being attacked by a young strapping football player and you are pinned down and getting pummeled by fists on top and sidewalk on the bottom, there is a real possibility that at some point you may lose consciousness, or your attacker will discover your weapon, or has one of his own. At that point, it really doesn't matter who has a receipt at home for the gun or bullets; ownership of the gun at that point belongs to the first person to get a hand on it.

    How long after 40 seconds of being attacked would you wait?

  3. What's absurd about this -- the presumption of innocence has allowed thousands of blacks to go free after committing felonys, including murder, but that's not appropriate for "whitey". Now Obammy and Holder see a real chance to create more divisiveness before the 2014 election.

  4. A tragic event but do you think the government is trying to " change the subject" so other important events example problems with Obamacare are not focused on?

  5. Can't believe the gal - Rachael - who testified in court is making the news big time. What a low life! - she can't even speak English. If this would have been the other way around, we would have never heard about it.
    Makes me sick to my stomach! The jury made the decision and the Rachaels of the world are up in arms.

  6. It only left the ignorant Americans wondering how he could be found not guilty. Those of us with any sense understand.

  7. Obama Crooked MotorsJuly 16, 2013 at 9:06 AM

    Let them march and riot, at least we will know who the Brainwashed Dummies are, led by no other than Al Sharpton.

  8. Being punched in the face by a drug induced thug and receiving a broken nose $1500.00. Having your head slammed into a concrete sidewalk and fearing death $2000.00. Having a legal firearm to kill the thug --- Priceless!!!


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