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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Jewel St In Delmar.


  1. Can't wait to see the sewage overflow in the Wicomico River in Salisbury!!!

  2. You know if people would clean out the street drains of leaves and trash this might not have happened.

  3. Where is the rain tax when you need it? LOL

  4. Looks like that President of MML should pay attention a little bit more to us here in Delmar and take care of business at hand. This is disgraceful.

    1. Um this is in Delmar DE....wrong mayor.

    2. MARYLAND municipal league president doesn't control DELAWARE storm drains.

  5. That's not a sewage overfill in the Wicomico River.It's where it was died green on St Patty's day and it stayed that way.

  6. 6:15 I hate to bust your bubble but theirs not many leaves in the middle of summer.

  7. The drainage situation in Delmar is shameful. It would be nice if the more storm drains are installed let alone cleaned out on a regular basis. 6:15 has a point, take a walk around town and have a look at the condition of the drains in place and also at the areas that flood regularly and the lack of drains or ditching. (Wait for the water to recede first hahaha)

  8. Oh Dear 8:01 PM You going to bust 8:17 PM Bubble. Leaves and trash build up over years. Nobody rakes it up. waiting for somebody to do it as usual.

    1. The county cut street sweeping even though they still charge us the same amount of taxes.

  9. Street sweepers heck! "property" owners take care of your own frontage. You own it clean it up.

    1. That's what taxes are for 10:11. Moron!

    2. That's what taxes are for? I don't pay taxes so the county or city can go around and clean up after people who can't manage to get their trash in a trash can. The leaves that fall come out of your own yards. Somebody should take a little responsibility and take a rake and clean the drains off if you see it causing a problem. Even if the drains are clean, debris will wash onto them during the rain. Delmar Maryland has plenty of work to do too...stage road, connelley mill, most all of them.

  10. One in every crowd! People want to complain about what goes on in their town, but they don't even know who their mayor is. Laughable!


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