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Sunday, July 21, 2013

It Wasn't Just 'Skittles' Trayvon Was Carrying

Twitter was in meltdown when the verdict came Saturday night in the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin trial. Facebookers like this one were among many writing their fair share of posts on the trial and its outcome.

One online site in particular captured considerable attention – well over 100,000 visits a day and a public post-trial thank-you from Robert Zimmerman, father of the younger Zimmerman: “I have thanked Mark Omara and Don West. Now I would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to you, our friends at CTH.”

The Conservative Treehouse (aka “CTH” and “The Last Refuge”) earned Zimmerman’s grateful acknowledgement because of its extraordinary investigative work undertaken throughout the saga, particularly in obtaining through Freedom of Information Act and publishing public records that revealed the corruption and racism connected to the charges and the trial itself, naming who was involved regardless of how high up the political food chain it went, in what the investigative bloggers called “The Zimmerman Railroading.”

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  1. there was also a great article about the corruption in the local FLA PD. They were skewing crime stats and when TM was found to be in possession of jewelry belonging to a break in, they simply buried it so that they had lower crime stats.

  2. There is absolutely no doubt that canonization of saint skittles is eminent, joining the other saintly victims in this case.
    If we heard it once we heard it spat out a million times during the trial-he was only walking home armed only with skittles.

  3. You have got to be kidding me. Lets see, so I guess everyone who has baking soda in their house smokes crack because if you mix it with cocaine you have crack. A boy is dead show some respect. And most people mix jolly ranchers with cough syrup not skittles.

  4. Sad how far people will go to demonize a dead teenager. What has our humanity come to?

  5. 6:07, I see no disrespect what's your point?

  6. Well 6:07 if you talk smack all over social media about making and smoking crack and using baking soda to make it then if you happen to have baking soda in your possession it does led one to think that quite possibly you are using it for more than bee stings.
    Then if you are 17 years old and are suddenly killed and an autopsy is in order and they find both liver and brain damage unusual for your age but consistent with excessive drug use then that's a dead giveaway that you are a druggie.

  7. PS-skittles are also used. It just depends on the users preference. Starbursts are another popular ingredient.

  8. Why is this national news? For over a year this has been a "big" story. WHY? This happens every day every where. The MSM says this the most talked about story. You know why, let me tell you. It is because that is what they keep showing us. Can't ABC, CBS and NBC come up another story. Let me give them a idea, try national stories "if you claim it is national news". Look, give me something else PLEASE. Thank you SBYNEWS for more info on so many more items that mean something to, I hope most of us.map

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You have got to be kidding me. Lets see, so I guess everyone who has baking soda in their house smokes crack because if you mix it with cocaine you have crack. A boy is dead show some respect. And most people mix jolly ranchers with cough syrup not skittles.

    July 16, 2013 at 6:07 PM

    It sounds like you are another druggie since you know the mixing ingredients of crack and lean.

    You come on here asking respect for this dead 'boy'? Go tell that crap to the protesters. Go tell that to the media. Go tell that to the POTUS. Go tell that to eric holdout. Go tell that to the 'boys' parents and the others who are getting rich off of this event.

    Where is the respect for all the other hundreds of 'boys' who are murdered each DAY? Most by their own kind. It's only when a black 'boy' is killed by someone of a different race that anyone takes notice.

    If tray was killed by a black person, or if tray were white, we would NEVER have heard about it.

    Tray is a suspected rapist, drug dealer and grower, someone who likes to fight, and a racist.

    Just how much respect do you think this 'boy' has earned in his short thug life?

    I would say he got what he deserved. We will never know how many others he would have gone on to assault, sell drugs, rape or rob.

    He was a punk. Now he is a dead punk. He deserves no more notice than any of the other hundreds of punks that killed every day.

    Why should they? The innocent people, including BABIES, who are killed by people such as him go unnoticed every day too.

    Trayvon Martin was nothing special. No amount of protests, assaults, killings or honking of horns will change that fact.

    He was just used to distract us from the scandals and crimes of our POTUS, eric holdout and the other corrupt politicians. AND to make his parents and others rich.

    Those were his only accomplishments in his short life, and he had to be dead to accomplish them.

    There is your respect. Don't choke on it.

  10. "show some respect"-"demonize a dead teenager"

    NO-enough of the political correctness. You all to need to start showing some backbone! It is what it is and you can't hide it. Martin bragged all over social media about drugs, fighting, stealing, gang lifestyle. He's the one who should have shown some respect-to himself and his parents because no one knows when something may happen and then the good the bad and the ugly surfaces.

  11. Trayvon didn't get to go on to collect welfare, father illegitimate children, carjack someone or go to prison.
    Seems like such a shame.

    I am not being sarcastic. This is the direction in which he traveled. He wasn't going there he was there. Respect is earned and it is earned by showing it. He couldn't respect his own parents even by staying out of trouble. His social media postings were vile and showed the upmost in anti social behavior.
    You don't respect someone just because they are dead. It's anti productive to a civil society because it's pretending, ignoring the truth and being dishonest.

  12. All these comments promoting respect for a wanna be punk smacks of "Never speak ill of the dead". I've said many times, if he was a SOB in life, then he's a SOB in death. Nothing changed, except the SOB is dead. Good riddance and take your friends with you, please.

  13. Read this post and then study the links carefully.Is this some sort of article that says absolutely nothing or what? Are all of you willing to subscribe to nothingness?The photo is completely misleading.


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