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Monday, July 22, 2013

In Zimmerman's Defense

It seems there are a few who feel Trayvon Martin was just an innocent victim. Let’s look at the evidence and facts that were presented at the trial.

George Zimmerman saw a person he believed didn’t belong in the area. Fact: There had been a large number of break-ins in the area. Fact: Trayvon Martin was walking home after going to the store, which is not illegal. Zimmerman did follow Martin, which is not illegal.

Fact: Zimmerman lost sight of Martin and started walking back to his car. On the way back to his car Zimmerman was confronted by Martin. Evidence shown in court showed that Martin struck Zimmerman in his face causing his nose to bleed. This is a crime of assault. Zimmerman fell to the ground and Martin jumped on top of him, hitting him and pounding his head on the sidewalk. Again this evidence was show in court and is a crime. Zimmerman had committed no crime to this point.

Sometime during this fight Zimmerman felt that his life was threatened enough that he could die. Example of this is the referee who was punched in the side of his head by a player and died two days later. Zimmerman took his handgun out, which he had a legal right to have, and shot Martin, who died from that wound. Evidence showed that Martin was on top of Zimmerman at the time he was shot. This is a tragedy but under our laws you have a right to defend yourself against great bodily harm.



  1. White & Hispanic folks are not allowed the right to defend themselves any more if attacked by a black person as this is now labeled as being racist. It seems that evidence and the rule of law means nothing to the black community because, according to the black community, the very laws we live under are racist. It's very evident that the black community has absolutely no interest in abolishing racism if this very community cannot accept the rule of law and the standards for evidence. The black community must stop the "blame game" and start the "fix the black community" game before it's too late. Accept responsibility and the rule of law and move on and let's make America, for all Americans, great once again!

  2. How dare you? You know Al & Jesse don't want any facts, just racist hipe.

  3. Bill O'Reilly had an excellent commentary on this last night in his Talking Points segment.
    Very concise and straightforward and articulate.
    What struck me was that a lot of the content could have come directly from some of the comments here on this blog. Some of it was word for word. O'Reilly must have a peek in on Sby News.

  4. Total count is in-approximately 1000 people showed up across the country for Sharpton's 100 city rallies.
    This is why. The facts are being skewed and misrepresented. Even here locally someone felt compelled to not be truthful about this and felt so moved to continue with the myth that they wrote to the DT's.
    People would like a debate but not one drowning in lies.

  5. We have created a mentality in America that the blacks have been oppressed and deserve retribution. This is also why they think that black on white crime is justified. The real tragedy of the Trayvon Martin case is that no one will say what the real issue is. The young blacks are not being taught to be respectful citizens. The mentality is that it's o.k. to be a thug and pick on other people because you are "angry young black men". I guess if the results continued ending up like Trayvon, maybe they would see that other races are tired of being victims of their lack of upbringings.

  6. Um, most of those aren't "facts," they are mostly suppositions you are making based on what Zimmerman said. What he said is almost certainly not the truth, because almost no one tells the truth. If Martin were alive I'm sure he'd tell a different story.

    It was the right verdict, because there was definitely reasonable doubt. That doesn't mean everything happened exactly as Zimmerman said it did, though.

  7. Before Obama leaves office he is going to grant "Slave Retrobutions" to all his fellow African's, and he will pardon all his Muslim Terrorists friends, and he will indite Zimmerman for some crime, you watch.

  8. Just another reason Obama needs to be impeached.

  9. 8:46-Zimmerman's story is backed up by multiple witnesses some who immediately went to windows to see what was going on and others listening when they heard the commotion and the multiple 911 tapes when they started calling. The beginning of his story is backed up by his own recorded 911 call. Then there is also the forensics which not only back up Zimmerman's story but also the witnesses.
    This is a case where there could not be a more clear picture unless it were video recorded.
    Go to any courtroom in the country and see for yourself how little evidence most criminal cases have compared to this one.


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