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Monday, July 22, 2013

HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S.

To ensure that "every American is able to choose to live in a community they feel proud of," HUD has published a new fair-housing regulation intended to give people access to better neighborhoods than the ones they currently live in.

The goal is to help communities understand "fair housing barriers" and "establish clear goals" for "improving integrated living patterns and overcoming historic patterns of segregation."

“This proposed rule represents a 21st century approach to fair housing, a step forward to ensuring that every American is able to choose to live in a community they feel proud of – where they have a fair shot at reaching their full potential in life,” said HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan.

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  1. Didn't Karl Marx have sort of the same ideas......

  2. ya know, white people can be just as poor as other minorities.
    also "they" have already infiltrated our neighborhood and lowered our standard of living and property values. they brought crime, drugs, trash, excess noise and animal control issues. they have no pride, are liars and thieves and are total slobs. when walking or driving thru you can tell which house is "theirs" because it portrays a landfill.

  3. 644 generalize much.

    I agree with your sentiment, but in my case it has been poor whites who have brought in the crime and slobbishness. It's not about race.

    Access to data is good but this seems to me another half-baked idea. There are plenty of hard working families in the hood just trying to raise their kids in peace and safety in a good community. The solution isn't to get them out the hood. The solution is to get the hood out, ie. get rid of the "my 4 baby daddy's", drug dealing, no education part of the community that tears these neighborhoods apart.

  4. 7:04 to clarify, the article centered on other minorities and excluded whites specifically, hence my first sentence. I agree whites just as all other humans of all races can be slobs. I also recognize that culture and upbringing come into play

  5. Education is good. Unfortunately, schools are failing miserably daily.


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