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Friday, July 26, 2013

How Obamacare Already Hurts Small Business And Holds Back The Economy: One Diner Owner's Testimony

So, small business owners, how's Obamacare treating you? The Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee heard from five business owners at a hearing on Wednesday. Their verdict was mixed -- three said the law is making insurance more affordable while two said the law is creating major problems. The most compelling testimony came from an owner of six diners, who flew from New Orleans to Washington, D.C., to tell senators that the law not only is keeping him from expanding, but it also may force him to close one or two locations.

Witness: Larry Katz, owner of Dots Diner, a Metairie, La.-based chain of six diners founded in 1996.

How he came to testify: He's known Sen. David Vitter, R-La., for years, and had complained to the senator about the negative impact of the Affordable Care Act's employer mandate. So Vitter invited him to testify at this hearing.



  1. I fear for us older generation we are doomed..in order to save money treatment will be withheld to help defer the costs.... if they can build a base off of the youth and not to spend allot on the old n useless with no investment for the future.. think of the savings

  2. I'm very concerned I see people riding down the road with Obama bumper stickers and when I look at the driver, it's a variety of races, sexes and ages. Why are people so duped with this President? He is killing the economy and the American way of life and yet people think he is the best thing since sliced bread. I fear these people will only wake up to reality when it's way too late or blame the President serving at the time to protect Obama from facing the truth. We are doomed while people aren't capable of seeing the facts before their eyes.


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