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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Federal Judge Upholds MD Pit Bull Law

Animal advocates hoping to overturn Maryland's controversial "pit bull" law have hit a setback -- A federal judge has ruled that it can stand.

The law stems from a Court of Appeals ruling that found that if a pit bull bites you, you can sue the owner -- and his or her landlord -- and you're very likely to win even if the pit bull hasn't bitten anyone before.

That has led many landlords to not allow tenants to own pit bulls.

Last year the operators of the Armistead Gardens Apartments began eviction proceedings against a long-time tenant who owns a pit bull.



  1. Maryland is a very backwards state. They laughed last year while in session at their intentional sabotaging of fair treatment of dogs and people who have done nothing wrong. They showed that they are less than stellar human beings in office. I feel sorry for the people that live in Maryland.

  2. @12:45, yes, lets use the fears of a few to violate the rights of many, but we would never do that here in America...

    We all know that cause of the problems with pit bulls and its not the dog that's to blame.

  3. I am glad. Pit Bulls are a dangerous breed that need to be abolished. Let the ones alive now live out their life, but ban the breeding of them.

  4. 1:18-I agree. Shelters nationwide are inundated with the breed. This problem has grown to the point we can't adopt the way out of the problem anymore. Tons and tons are euthanized every year. If these people who say they love the breed truly loved them they would lobby for stricter laws surrounding these dogs.

  5. Excellent law!
    But your not likely to receive financial reward for damages.

  6. Pit bulls and their owners need to be forced out of Maryland, We don't want you or your dog here near our kids!

  7. inheritently violent. PLEASE read the history of this dog. it was bred to be aggressive and powerful. this is why it became a popular dog for fighting rings. its just like trying to tame a lion. you may get lucky...but sooner or later genetics trumps emotion.

  8. Pits are especially dangerous when they are in packs.By themselves I've never seen a problem.When 2 or more are loose together look out.Does that sound familiar?

  9. I own aa pit bull 7 years old. And does not bite and very good but she has teeth ,if u ccome in my house don'tworry about her look for the fat man with the 357 mag

  10. If you have a 357 mag you don't need the pit bull, get rid of it!

  11. Pit bulls are not inherently dangerous, most either lack training or are trained to be aggressive. I have fostered two and have many more with never a problem. A dog owner should be responsible for any dog bite if unprovoked. Reaching into a vehicle or walking into a house unexpectedly will get you bit in many cases. The law is a stupid law produced by a legislature that seems to get dumber every day.

  12. @10:16, He needs the 357 for people like you!

  13. While our Pit Bull is still a baby. She's a little over a year old. We have not seen one sign of any aggression out of her. We have a lab who is an a-hole, has bitten several other animals and two or three people. If he gets acting mean to hear she will start yelping and flipping out before he even comes to close. My Pit Bull is the biggest sissy baby in the world. But she is also the sweetest and best behaved dog I have ever had. But I don't think she knows shes a dog. I think she thinks shes a person. lol

  14. I think I have an unnatural fear of pits. I've never been able to keep myself calm being around them ever since my best friend in middle school had her elbow ripped off while blocking her face from the "friendliest pit in the world." I watched another friendly pit, so friendly it's owners thought it could be off a leash, rip a ferret from a screaming girls arms and carry it off to be killed. I just don't trust them. If you choose to own them, it's a breed you can't let you guard down with. They seem to just attack at random. It's seems to be a few irresponsible owners spoiling it for all owners. Too bad, it happens all the time


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