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Monday, July 22, 2013


Don’t you think we should bail out Detroit with our children’s tax dollars? I’m sure it would be a good investment. Like buying a house in Las Vegas in 2005 with a negative amortization subprime no-doc loan. Like buying a MBS from Goldman Sachs in June 2008. Like buying a 10 year Treasury bond yielding 1.35%. Like buying an S&P 500 Index fund in October 2007. Like buying Pets.com at $50 per share in 2000. All is well. Everything is fine. The future is bright. It’s the best time to buy. Everything is undervalued.


1 comment:

  1. No,do what Buffalo NY did which looked just like Detroit.Sell off buildings to business people for 1 dollar as long as they bring jobs.Warren Buffett is now doing commercials about their progress.


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