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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Dr. Ben Carson: 'This Is The Beginning Of The Collapse' Of Obamacare

Delaying implementation of key parts of the healthcare law and losing the support of labor unions are just the beginning of trouble for Obamacare, says Dr. Ben Carson.

"It's gonna be a lot worse than this. This is the beginning of the collapse," the retired Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon said on Fox News Channel's "Your World" on Tuesday.

"Usually when you roll out a big program, you roll it out bit by bit. You determine what's working. You can change things," Carson said. "But to try to roll out something this massive without really knowing what the intricacies are is quite foolish."



  1. Collapsing before it is implemented!
    Democrats. Stupid.

  2. It's now workable. Never was never will be. All reasonable, intelligent forward thinking people have said this all along.

  3. The problem is you have asinine democrats in Congress and equally if not more asinine Obama supporters who never read the bill.

  4. The bigger question is what's going to happen come January & nothing has been implemented? I, personally, can not afford $800.00 a month premiums for individual insurance & my employer(s) are small companies so they don't have to offer insurance.

  5. I sure hope he is correct...

  6. President Carson...has a nice ring to it!

  7. I do not think this will happen. Has anyone noticed that Obama is considered to be our first black president when in fact he our first white african american. Like George Zimmerman is a white hispanic!

  8. LORDY, I hope so!


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