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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Diet Soda Could Actually Be Worse For You Than The Regular Stuff

Diet sodas may be calorie-free, but they could be worse for your health and your waistline than ones with sugar, a new report suggests.
Over the long term, fake sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose, and saccharine might mess with our bodies' abilities to process the calories from sweet things, making it harder for us to metabolize the sugars we get from other sources like candy, cookies, or even fruit. 

Purdue University scientist Susan Swithers found in a meta-analysis of 26 health and diet studies that artificially-sweetened sodas — unlike water — were often still associated with many of the same ailments common in people who drink sugary sodas, and may actually increase the risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes.



  1. I never fell for it, and am able to keep my weight in check easily. How?

    I quit eating after small portions are consumed, and, I work hard.

    I know, that's not possible in a welfare household...

  2. gave up soda 6 years ago.
    it's water every day with meals or just if thirsty, about 6 bottles a day, plus what i drink out of the faucet.. except orange or cranberry juice now and then. nothing else but milk with cereal..

  3. Duh sugar is natural they are from sugar canes. The artificial sweeteners are just chemicals that we don't know where it comes from.

  4. Good, they taste a million times worse and God knows what they are doing to your body. Sugar isn't good for you but at least we know it just makes you fat and rots your teeth.


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