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Saturday, July 06, 2013

Coup In Egypt! Photos


  1. It comes as no surprise that the Egyptian people are more informed than the supporters of "President" Ignoramus. You know the one who pontificated on how much he understood the Muslim culture and they would come to gain a new respect for the western world?
    Yeah-That Arab Spring sure is working out isn't it?
    What a foolish bunch of imbeciles we have in this country that fell for his ignorance and total lack of education and understanding on middle eastern affairs.
    It's so apparent that whoever is not embarrassed to say they support "President" Ignoramus doesn't have a functioning brain.

  2. I wonder if they will give this ambassador extra protection? Or will we be reading about this Embassy being stormed and Americans killed? It's a shame the mess that was made of Egypt due to Obama's ill informed policies though not surprising as he's not ever done a thing productive in his life, nor has he ever been successful at anything.
    I wouldn't' call being the president a success in his case when you look at the overall state of low morals, lack of knowledge most display in the US. The have nots have taken over.


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