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Friday, July 26, 2013

Cop Fired for Speaking Out Against Ticket and Arrest Quotas


  1. The police state is coming - this new guy has got to be a OweBlama supporting Democrat.

  2. how else are we to pay the mismanaged LiBtard policies that have broken this country ...they have the systems in place to wreck havoc upon our lives any way they see fit... or so it appears.. if we do not start to force the constitutional laws these people are elected to uphold there's going to be problems

  3. Never ever hire a police chief or fire chief from the outside.

  4. Ok, where are all those 'cops' that always say there are no quotas?

    And please say this is an isolated incident.

  5. Maybe you should check into MSP on the shore. Seems some of the troopers have had to park their cars at the barracks because they didn't stop enough cars during the month because they didn't stop enough cars!! I thought there wasn't a "quota"!!! Seems our governors statistically minded approach has moved into the state's operational standard!!

  6. They call them "STATS" here.

  7. I commute to wallops and now i see the sherrifs getting in on the act..and allot more traps then the previous 15 years..i get tickets every so often..but its a revenue generater..problem is does not stay local and MDstate omally does not deserve another dime

  8. I've seen 'The Bronze' quite regularly - parked in the median...radar-gunning up and down the road. They need to be strategically parked to catch aggressive drivers as that is a more dangerous situation than a few mph over the limit. I get cut-off and merged in to all the time - glad I have good brakes - these folks drive without a clue and need to be awakened!

    I do think their personal touch is better than the speed cameras though!

  9. I have seen State Troopes bring there cars to OTHER security jobs WTF?

  10. I've seen 'The Bronze' quite regularly - parked in the median...radar-gunning up and down the road. They need to be strategically parked to catch aggressive drivers as that is a more dangerous situation than a few mph over the limit. I get cut-off and merged in to all the time - glad I have good brakes - these folks drive without a clue and need to be awakened!

    I do think their personal touch is better than the speed cameras though!

    July 27, 2013 at 9:05 AM

    You are absolutely right but speeding tickets are easy money as opposed to the other ones you mention.

    That IS what it's all about after all.


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